Music / andre soloinstrumenter

Les indes galantes

Reviews (22)

The observer

d. 30. June 2019



Nicholas Kenyon

d. 30. June 2019

"The dancing exuberance of Jean-Philippe Rameau's Les Indes galantes (Glossa) is brought to life by the Hungarian György Vashegyi and his Purcell Choir and Orfeo Orchestra. The colourful variety of Rameau's music never ceases to delight, and if this account is rather more hard-edged and bumptious than its sweeter French competitors, it carries the listener along. The choice of the 1761 revival score makes this recording unique, and also means some favourites from the original 1735 version are missing, but the final grand Chaconne sweeps all before it".


d. 22. Sep. 2005


d. 22. Sep. 2005

"Man skammer sig næsten over at være så underholdt ... barokoverbud med specialeffekter en masse: jordskælv, skibbrud, torden, you name it! ... Scenen hvirvler af aktivitet, og man bør ikke sidde puritansk-skeptisk og mene, at det er for meget af det gode ... sangerne er mestendels brillante ... korene er formidable".


2009, nr. 14



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2009, nr. 14

"Et overflødighedshorn af franske hofdanse, som Rameau oprindelig komponerede til "Les Indes galantes" ... Rousset er en mester i at variere brugen af de klanglige muligheder, så resultatet fremstår levende og spændstigt ... udtrykt gennem cembaloets sprøde, spinkle klang ... Stor skønhed udtrykt i det lille format".

BBC music magazine

2009 November



Nicholas Anderson

2009 November

"Rousset's recital is generously endowed with graceful gestures, elegant phrasing and well-defined ornaments".

BBC music magazine

2019 July



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2019 July

"The Orfeo Orchestra is on home ground, and the singers are a distinguished lot, with the great Véronique Gens as Phani the star of the show, so addicts of the 18th-century absurd should find plenty of enjoyment here".


2019 avril



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2019 avril

Fono Forum

2019 Juni



Christoph Vratz

2019 Juni

"Die Rameau-Festspiele des Györgi Vashegyi gehen weiter ... Die musikalischen Ausdrucksmittel, mit denen Vashegyi schon bislang überzeugen konnte, finden sich auch hier: luftige Kantilenen, ein genaues Gespür für alles Tänzerische sowie die Fähigkeit, Kontraste mit grosser Deutlichkeit zu formulieren .. Die Sänger erweisen sich als homogenes Ensemble und gehen diesen Weg mühelos mit: betonter, aufgeladener Affekt hier, lyrische Intimität dort ... Diese CD füllt also eine Lücke auf anspruchsvolle Weise".


2018, nr. 49



Steen Chr. Steensen

2018, nr. 49

"Rameaus operaballet var en helt særlig genre med fuldt blus på alle effekter: sang, musik, dans og scene gik op i en højere barok enhed ... Den belgiske instruktør ... Sidi Larbi Cherkadui fører i denne opsætning ... handlingen op til en slags nutid ... Det er sjældent vellykket i dette tilfælde ... overdådigt og meningsfuldt på én gang, og det er gennemmusikalsk ... Sangerniveauet er højt med solister, der mestrer den barokke sangkunst med virtuos klangbehandling og deklamatorisk finesse ... Det er Rameau, som Rameau ville have elsket at høre det. Og set det i en opsætning fuld af liv. Sådan som det var tænkt".

BBC music magazine

2018 April



Anna Picard

2018 April

"Stylishly played by the Munich Festival Orchestra under Ivor Bolton, the music of Rameau's episodic exotic fantasy Les Indse Galantes glows brightly in this performance ... Dancers of Eastman weave through the singers in a kinetic fusion of Baroque and street dance ... The movement and singing of the four female principals ... is outstanding, as is the performance of the Balthasar-Neumann-Chor".


2015 decembre



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2015 decembre

BBC music magazine

2005 September



Nick Morgan

2005 September

"Several different stories danced and sung over one evening, vaguely linked by a common theme ... there are people everywhere ... and no one ever stands still. It must have been unnerving for the singers, few of them on top form - though Christie certainly is and Rameau's fabulous music almost saves the day ... few wide shots of this sorry spectable".

Fono Forum

2006 Januar



Manuel Brug

2006 Januar

"Das strahlt und glimmert, ist von samtiger Zartheit und pikant gewürzter Takt-Balance. Ein feuerwerk der Freude, absichtslos, als reines Gefallen ... Barock-Oper in der Disco, Rameau bei den Follies Bergères. Das funktioniert wunderbar, klingt toll und ist glasklar anzuschauen".

Fono Forum

2014 Dezember



Matthias Hengelbrock

2014 Dezember

"Bei Hugo Reyne ist dieses Werk in besten Händen: Er und seine Musiker sind stilistisch so versiert, wie es heute bei Künstlern, die sich mit dem sehr speziellen Repertoire französischer Barockmusik befassen, nicht mehr anders zu erwarten ist".

The gramophone

2009 December



Lindsay Kemp

2009 December

"Rameau's "reductions" make a fine addition to Rousset's discography ... Rousset's virtuosity, fine touch and tightly executed ornamentation in both hands ensure that the music sounds idiomatic ... An enticing Rameau bonus".

International record review

2009 November



Christopher Price

2009 November

"A "must have" for Rameau fans".

The gramophone

2019 June



Richard Lawrence

2019 June

"Vashegyi gets wonderful singing and playing from his Hungarian forces ... The earthquake is vivid in the extreme, and so is the tempest ... The singers, some of whom have appeared with Vashegyi before, are all one could desire ... Apart from some overenthusiastic timpani rolls, the whole thing - performance and recording - is beautifully done".

Fono Forum

2018 Februar



Manuel Brug

2018 Februar

"Das Einheitsbühnenbild dient als Klassenzimmer, Museum, Kirche und Flüchtlingslager ... Ivor Bolton am Pult pinselt zarteste Lasuren. Märsche, Menuette und Gavotten perlen, Airs und Ensembles des auf Höchstem Niveau hinreissenden Sängerensembles sind eine einzige Vokalfreude ... Leider versinkt das optisch schnell im Graumäusigenʺ.

The gramophone

2018 January



Alexandra Coghlan

2018 January

"Auvity is ardent and glowing right to the top of his extraordinary range, first as Valère and then as Tacmas. If his voice is silver-bright, then John Moore's Adario is all warm gold; what an impressive performance this is from the young American baritone ... This isn't a show that lends itself naturally to a DVD but as a point of reference and a marker for future concept-treatments of French Baroque it's invaluable".

The gramophone

2015 November



Richard Lawrence

2015 November

"What can hardly fail to catch the eye is the complete nudity of the dancers, both men and women. Bellone, the goddess of war (amusingly written for a bass), enters on a motorised buggy ... This is where my own irritability set in ... Locked into all this nonsense a very fine musical performance. Under Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyrique play the dance movements with just the right combination, or rather variety, of vigour and sensibility, and together with the Bordeaux chorus are wonderfully vivid in tempest and earthquake ... Charmingly sung but spoilt by the distractions on stage".

Fono Forum

2015 November



Manuel Brug

2015 November

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "In der putzigen Oper von Bordeaux sind alle hell begeistert. Zum einen natürlich, weil Christophe Rousset und sein Ensemble Les Talens Lyrique die richtigen Klanganwälte sind ... Aber eben auch, weil die Regisseurin und Choreographin Laura Scozzi hier eine so witzigen wie modernen Weg gefunden hat, diese unverbundenen vier Akten samt Prolog ... schlüssig und zeitgenössisch zu erzählen".

International record review

2005 December



Simon Heighes

2005 December

"I can't open my arms wide enough to embrace this, the third major Rameau opera to make it to dvd ... overall, the singing, dancing and orchestral playing is glorious ... prepare to be successively enchanted, moved, cheered and amused".

The gramophone

2014 November



David Vickers

2014 November

"From every point of view that matters, this is a special Ramellian achievement".