Music / renæssance -> 1600

Celebration of life in death

Reviews (5)

Presto classical

d. 31. Mar. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. Mar. 2022

"Editor's choice - March 2022: The opening Dies Irae, with Prohaska intoning with hieratic fervour over a drone bass, may suggest that we're in for a pretty gloomy hour, but thereafter there's plenty of edgy vitality here. Tunder's Ach Herr, lass deine lieben Engelein and Graupner's Die Krankheit, so mich drückt are the most substantial works on the album, but miniatures such as Purcell's Since the Pox or the Plague (delivered with manic gallows-humour) and a grave, touching account of Eleanor Rigby pack no less of a punch".


2022, nr. 66



Henrik Engelbrecht

2022, nr. 66

"Sopranen Anna Prohaska er en af de kunstnere, som lægger et stort arbejde i at sætte både sine koncertprogrammer og sine pladeoptagelser i tematiske rammer. Hendes seneste album ... spænder over otte århundreder fra middelalderens latin om vredens dag og frem til sange om ensomhed og trøst af Paul McCartney og Leonard Cohen ... Prohaska viser endnu engang sin totale beherskelse af sin stemme med både stensikker intonation og en tekstbehandling og artikulation, så man aldrig er i tvivl om blot et enkelt ord undervejs".

Fono Forum

2022 Juli



Martin Hoffmann (musikanmelder)

2022 Juli

"Wie kann man Not und Elend im Angesicht des Todes bewältigen? Anna Prohaska beleuchtet hier unterschiedliche Strategien. Mit dem fabelhaften La Folia Barockorchester spürt Prohaska da in Christoph Graupners Kantate "Die Krankheit so mich drückt" tiefgründig und mit farbenreichem Sopran der Krankheit als individueller Notsituation nach ... Doch sie kann auch anders. Ganz anders ... und reicht von der gregorianischen Sequenz "Dies irae" bis zu Leonard Cohens "Hallelujah". Das hätte durchaus schief gehen können. Doch dieses Album wird zum Ereignis!".

BBC music magazine

2022 June



Rebecca Franks

2022 June

"A Dies Irae is an apt place for Prohaska to begin her musically wide-ranging exploration of 'life in death', and the gloom is leavened by lightness elsewhere. There are early musical delights, but the 'Eleanor Rigby' and 'Hallelujah' covers are marmite tracks".

The gramophone

2022 June



Alexandra Coghlan

2022 June

"It's the medieval spirit, a collision of musical worlds that's sometimes tender, sometimes macabre, ironic and erotic, that animates 'Celebration of Life and Death' ... The repertoire is as eclectic as the tone, taking in everything from chant and folk songs to Baroque chorales and cantatas, French chanson, Italian opera and pop music. When it works it's gripping stuff ... But Prohaska can't always match it in her musical shape-shifting. At full operatic throttle in Cavalli, coaxing and passionate ... Prohaska can't quite find the same flexibility in the folk and medieval repertoire ... It's a shame because, Leonard Cohen aside, this is an intriguing recital".