Music / electronica


Reviews (3)

Drowned in sound

d. 16. Nov. 2012



Kat Rolle

d. 16. Nov. 2012

"Cells is coherent, yet not without the odd welcome respite or a few anomalies. Whilst that structure and coherency are perhaps to be expected from such an experienced DJ, especially on an album that was so long in the making, what's less anticipated is the absolute lack of nostalgia present and the sheer creativity evident on the record".


d. 15. Nov. 2012



Mikkel Røddik Christensen

d. 15. Nov. 2012

"Fake Blood opererer lidt i samme grænseland mellem melodisk house, electro og trance som EDM-musen Deadmau5, men Keating har det særlige twist, at han indimellem smider lidt skægge samples som analoge trommer ind ... 'All in the Blink' har disco-feel og et vist hitpotentiale, men ellers er albummet lyden af et grotesk og kaotisk rave, der vender op og ned på konventionerne og leger lystigt med lydene".


d. 12. Nov. 2012



Jack Dutton

d. 12. Nov. 2012

"Don't be fooled by the club-ready synths and commercial vocals of Let It Go. After the first refrain you hear a dirty industrial bass line and a minimal kick drum pattern - Fake Blood's usual weapons of choice. From then it turns into an unmistakable Fake Blood record with added chart potential".