Music / folkemusik


Reviews (1)


2014 October



Colin Irwin

2014 October

"Having played key roles on harp, fiddle, viola and singing with the likes of The Shee, The Emily Portman Trio and The Furrow Collective, Rachel Newton is well eqipped to take centre stage in her own right and this second solo album is a beauty ... Using a loose thematic based around the folklore and mythology of faeries and changelings, it embraces a widening interest in the weirder, more mysterious and disquieting elements of folk music ... It's fascinating stuff and Newton's gently reassuring tone applies exactly the right temperature - with enough understated weirdness to make its point ... There are moments when it recalls some of Alasdair Roberts' most imaginative shots at blending the tradition with his own contemporary feel, and that in itself is strong recommendation".