Music / rock

Chaotic good

Reviews (2)


d. 4. May 2020



Sasha Geffen

d. 4. May 2020

"The Oregon-based singer-songwriter's taut new album channels the wounded spirit of Elliott Smith".

Folk radio UK

d. 11. Mar. 2020


d. 11. Mar. 2020

"With Chaotic Good she has taken her bravest step forward to date, with an album that has self-reinvention on full display. The quiet-folk of her previous work is a million miles away from this point - a bold statement piece that demonstrates the breadth of her ambition ... Chaotic Good is her fifth full-length album and her first for Wax Nine/Carpark Records and with new single Part Of It, Warren leads you from the quite Arbouretum at the end of the garden up to the house for the party".