Music / soul

Chills & fever

Reviews (2)


d. 23. Mar. 2017



Cole Waterman

d. 23. Mar. 2017

"Chills & Fever finds Samantha Fish injecting a dose of Detroit-bred garage rock into her paradigm of Memphis soul, Delta blues, and Motown R&B ... Does Chills & Fever break new ground? Not really, but it brings new life to the overgrown gravel path it traverses, and it does so with infectious revelry and gusto".

Elmore magazine

d. 17. Mar. 2017



Jim Hynes

d. 17. Mar. 2017

"This new record absolutely floors me. I respect an artist who takes a huge risk. She throws us a big curve ball and pulls it off with aplomb. While she's been lumped into the category of "another girl with a guitar," or "yet another blues-rocker," this album will change those perceptions. Samantha hearkens back to the R&B/garage rock/Motown/early rock n' roll sound of Detroit on this record".