Music / electronica


Reviews (2)

Resident advisor

d. 1. July 2013



Andrew Ryce

d. 1. July 2013

"Coles has a way of making her tracks sound massive and intimate at the same time, using reverb in a way that evokes both the expanse of an arena and the introspection of a bedroom. It's how a tune like "Dreamer" can be a careful whisper and a sensual club jam all at once. Comfort has enough of these moments to remind us of her casual brilliance, but not enough to make it the complete knockout it could be".


d. 12. July 2013



Rasmus Rygaard

d. 12. July 2013

""Comfort" er stadig en fin lytteroplevelse, selv om man ikke får meget mere ud af albummets 12 numre end hvad en god ep kunne have klaret. Det er ærgerligt, da både Coles og gæster for det meste gør det glimrende. Hvis det hele skal falde på plads næste gang, skal Coles dog gentænke albumformatet og turde give slip på lidt mere af komforten".