Music / rock

Coming closer to the day

Reviews (2)

All about jazz

d. 30. Mar. 2019



Doug Collette

d. 30. Mar. 2019

"As familiar as all this sounds, there's no sense whatsoever that Robin Trower is bored with what he's doing. Quite the contrary, Coming Closer to the Day sounds as purposeful and to-the-point as the albums like Bridge of Sighs (Chrysalis, 1974) by which this man has made such an enduring name for himself".

Get ready to rock!

d. 4. Mar. 2019



Pete Feenstra

d. 4. Mar. 2019

"Perhaps the biggest problem with this album is that off too many similarly paced songs and a rudimentary vocal style that doesn't lend itself to the kind of dynamics needed to lift the album and give it a natural flow. The splendidly titled 'Someone of Great Renown' for example, is far more interesting when heard alone outside of the album as a whole, as it simply sounds too much like what's gone before. Long time fans will doubtless revel in Robin Trower's enveloping tone colour and his on going songcraft, but this slow burning album demands much patience from the rest of us, as it only sparingly suggests hidden treasures".