Music / pop

Confident music for confident people

Reviews (2)

The guardian

d. 13. Apr. 2018



Rachel Aroesti

d. 13. Apr. 2018

"Made up of four one-time members of the Antipodean psych scene, Melbourne outfit Confidence Man have cast off the ambling melodies and noodly jams in favour of sugary, crisp and slightly gawky dance-pop. The thing that first wallops you over the head about their wacky debut is frontwoman Janet Planet's chatty, bratty vocal, which covers topics ranging from the lameness of her boyfriend to how quickly other men fall in love with her".


d. 13. Apr. 2018



Andrew Trendell

d. 13. Apr. 2018

"... a sound somewhere between the synth- and cowbell-driven electro-punk abandon of early LCD Soundsystem and Le Tigre, elevated by a sense of Beck's genre-remixing spirit and Hot Chip's knack for a hook, drenched in the sweet psych glaze of Jagwar Ma ... It won't change the world, but it will cheer you up: the comedown never comes. With a Balearic pulse and horizontal attitude throughout, this record is ready-made sunshine - MDMAzing pretension-free fun for the masses. This is the album we need in these hard times, even if we don't deserve it. Put this record on, dance until sunrise, gurn through Brexit and rave until war is over".