Musik / rock

Coven : Evil ways instead of love

Anmeldelser (3)

Metal storm

d. 2. jan. 2017




d. 2. jan. 2017

"All in all, I think that the musicianship and attention to detail that this band has managed to display in Coven, Or Evil Ways Instead Of Love is nothing less than impressive. To return to the beginning of this review, for a black metal record it's as kvlt as it can get, even though there are very few blast beats and fast riffs in it. It is an album full of frightening ambience, pagan worship and freezing atmosphere, justifying its title to the fullest as there is absolutely no love here; only evil ways. Do yourself a favour and listen to this cult of ghouls".


d. 22. nov. 2016



Brett Tharp

d. 22. nov. 2016

"I have a great deal of love for black metal as a whole, the post-y variants and the atmospheric sorts, the true and the untrue. But if there was one band that nailed what black metal at its very essence should be, it's Cultes Des Ghoules. Black metal is supposed to be black at heart, and it's hard to argue that there are any blacker than they in the modern era".


d. 25. nov. 2016



Mads Pedersen

d. 25. nov. 2016

"'Coven, or Evil Ways of Love' er næppe for alle. Der skal nok være lyttere, der mener, at sangene er for lange, og at nogle riff bliver ved for længe, og som ikke bryder sig om de historiefortællende elementer. Men for de, der rammes af det, er albummet uundværligt og allerede en milepæl".