Music / pop

Dancing queen

Reviews (2)


d. 25. Sep. 2018



Nick Levine

d. 25. Sep. 2018

"... this is an enormously enjoyable album that doesn't just deliver on its kitsch potential; it also makes you feel both moved and exhilarated. Then again, maybe we shouldn't over-analyse why it works too much - the main reason is probably because she's Cher, bitch; the usual rules don't apply".

The guardian

d. 28. Sep. 2018



Laura Snapes

d. 28. Sep. 2018

"As Cher proved in her Mamma Mia: Her We Go Again! cameo, she need do very little to provoke squealing acclaim when it comes to Abba dabbling: merely descend from a helicopter in stately fashion and sing Fernando in that thrillingly ripe tone. But Dancing Queen, an album of Abba covers that could easily have sailed by like glitter on the breeze, is often surprisingly ingenious".

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