Music / rock

Déjà vu

Reviews (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 30. May 2021



Espen Strunk

d. 30. May 2021

"Et album, som på fornem vis indfanger stemningen fra et smukt, løfterigt og for længst svundet øjeblik af evigheden - Californien 1970 - og fanger sine fem hovedpersoner på toppen af deres formåen. Er Déjà Vu (og forgængeren Crosby, Stills & Nash, som var udkommet nogle måneder forinden) ikke tidløs, er den til gengæld eksemplarisk og emblematisk for sin særlige epoke og genre: Her er Woodstock-drømmen indfanget (og det følgende årtis vestkystrock indvarslet). Vi får det originale album på både cd og vinyl, foruden tre discs med henholdsvis Demos, Outtakes og Alternates. Og kommer således grundigt omkring et klassisk album, hvor fire solister har held til at skabe en meningsfuld helhed".


2021 June



Peter Watts

2021 June

"Sometimes, the only way to follow-up a best-selling critically acclaimed album is to do it all over again, only bigger. That's the approach Crosby, Stills & Nash took in 1970 with their follow-up to May 1969's Crosby, Stills & Nash. They enlisted Neil Young to expand the trio into a quartet and spent six months hammering out arrangements in the studio, but in most other ways they simply repeated their magic trick of combining "big personalities, pristine voices and achingly personal lyrics", as Cameron Crowe summarises it in his liner notes. The same but bigger also describes this set, which comes either in a 4CD/1LP version or across five LPs. As well as the original album, there are 38 additional songs, many of which are previously unreleased".

Rolling stone

d. 14. May 2021



David Browne

d. 14. May 2021

"A deluxe version of the classic rock landmark unearths new gems and ponders the musical road not taken".