Music / rock

Didn't it rain

Reviews (3)

Get ready to rock!

d. 17. Sep. 2015



Pete Whalley

d. 17. Sep. 2015

"Finished two years ago, but revisited in the light of road testing Didn't It Rain is a pleasant blues infused Americana offering, with impassioned vocals and immaculate playing. But rarely does it set pulse racing. Instead, it burbles along pleasantly, for the most part without delivering many sucker punches".

The New York times

d. 22. July 2015



Nate Chinen

d. 22. July 2015

"Where Ms. Helm truly excels - as she has proved in Rambles past and with the gospel-folkish group Ollabelle - is in the mining of emotional subtleties within a song".

Living blues

2015 October



Robert H. Cataliotti

2015 October

"Helm's music is very much a blend of blues, gospel, country, R&B and rock, which her father [Levon Helm] helped shape 50 years ago with the Hawks and the Band ... he assuredly would approve of the rocking grooves, sparkling musicianship and heartfelt, soulful singing that his daughter delivers. Kudos for making a great sounding recording must go to producer [Byron] Isaacs".