Music / rock

Distance inbetween

Reviews (2)

The independent

d. 4. Mar. 2016



Andy Gill

d. 4. Mar. 2016

"There's always been a pronounced lysergic element to The Coral's music, and never more so than on this new album, which seethes with mellotron strings, backwards guitar solos and fantastical speculations".


d. 7. Mar. 2016



Richard Folland

d. 7. Mar. 2016

"Ultimately, Distance Inbetween can't quite summon the dominant golden theme that infused Butterfly House. But in other ways, this endlessly fascinating band have gone one step further, demonstrating that a love of Chris Isaak, `70s American driving music, David Lynch dreamscapes, Question Mark and the Mysterians, and Eastern drone can still find a place for listening in the noise factory of 2016. Highly recommended".