Music / rock

Distance over time

Reviews (4)


d. 25. Feb. 2019



Deborah Krieger

d. 25. Feb. 2019

"On the whole, there've been strong songs scattered on every Dream Theater album in the Mangini era-the ballads "Far From Heaven" and "Beneath the Surface" on A Dramatic Turn of Events, or the Rush-esque "The Looking Glass" on Dream Theater to name a few-but the briskness of Distance Over Time means that the good stuff feels more concentrated, with the mediocre material mere blips on the radar. While any other band's 14th studio album might start to reveal fatigue, Dream Theater balances polish, consistency, musical excellence, and excitement on Distance Over Time".





Thom Jurek


"Dream Theater reaffirm their identity on Distance Over Time, displaying a collective hunger, abundant energy, creativity, and musical (re)discovery. This set should erase the schism between fans and win the band a whole slew of new ones".


d. 22. Feb. 2019



Lukas Wojcicki

d. 22. Feb. 2019

"Dream Theater are by no means breaking any new ground on Distance Over Time. The album pulls from the same bag of tricks as the rest of their discography. What Distance Over Time does offer, however, is that "it" factor you can't quite put your finger on. Many lifelong fans claim the band lost their mojo the day founding member Mike Portnoy left the band. If that's the case, they seem to have found it on this release".


d. 24. Feb. 2019



Henrik Kjellerup Bro

d. 24. Feb. 2019

"Med 'Distance over Time' får Dream Theater til dels rejst sig med værdigheden i behold oven på den næsten katastrofale 'The Astonishing'. De mange individuelle præstationer fra især Petrucci på guitar, John Myung på bas og Mike Mangini på trommer vil garanteret udløse frygtelig mange youtube-videoer med unge, halvgamle og gamle fritidsmusikkere, der vil vise, at de også mestrer idolernes ideer og kunnen på respektive instrumenter. Men der vil nok ikke være mange bands, der vil indspille coverversioner af sangene fra 'Distance over Time'. Dertil er de alt for forglemmelige".