Music / rock


Reviews (3)

Metal injection

d. 13. Aug. 2019



Kevin Stewart-Panko

d. 13. Aug. 2019

"There are moments of meat and potatoes power metal in which glitz and sparkle coat NWOBHM and '80s speed metal riffing as anthemic and angelic choruses scrape clouds ("Scars of a Generation," "Chain of Command"). On the other hand, there are far too many moments that are either phoned in or counterintuitive to the rest of the album".


d. 26. Aug. 2019



Anders Molin

d. 26. Aug. 2019

"... 'Dominion' lider, som de fleste af kvintettens øvrige albums, af en trættende tendens til ikke at skille sig ud fra de ni andre. Der er reelt ikke sket nogen som helst udvikling i løbet af de (...) 22 år, bandet har indspillet plader, og de fortsætter ufortrødent i samme rille som forgængeren (...) 'Built to Last' fra (...) 2016. Det er hamrende kompetent udført, det er sikker sangskrivning, det er lækker produktion. Det er også en risikoløs gentagelse af tidligere bedrifter".

Distorted Sound

d. 14. Aug. 2019



Elliot Leaver

d. 14. Aug. 2019

"Already firmly recognised as one of the best in the genre, Dominion will see another ludicrous display of hands thrown to the high heavens and voices bellowing every word when these songs are played live, and for that reason alone it's another job well done; not HAMMERFALL`s best album by any stretch, but by no means their worst".