Music / klassiske symfonier

Don Quixote

Reviews (11)

The guardian

d. 22. Aug. 2019



Erica Jeal

d. 22. Aug. 2019

"This is less of a conversation, more of an oration. Strauss's early F major Sonata, for which he is joined by the pianist Herbert Schuch, has a distinctly heroic cast to which Müller-Schott rises persuasively; then, with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andrew Davis, he draws a vivid portrait of the self-styled knight errant in the concerto-like tone poem Don Quixote".

MusicWeb international

2013 April



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2013 April

"This is an excellent account of Don Quixote. The catalogue isn't exactly short of fine recordings but this one competes with the best. Gerhardt and Power are marvellous principals but they manage to project their characters splendidly while giving us a sense also that they are primus inter pares, as Strauss intended ... I wonder what the Gürzenich-Orchester of 1895 made of Till Eulenspiegel ... Stenz and his players give a fine and entertaining account of it ... So, despite the rather short playing time there's a great deal to commend this disc".


d. 20. Apr. 2007



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 20. Apr. 2007


d. 18. Sep. 2000


d. 18. Sep. 2000

BBC music magazine

2019 November



Freya Parr

2019 November

"From one of Strauss's earliest works to his late tone poem, this disc explores the composer's shift from Romanticism to Modernism expertly. In a superb live recording, 'Don Quixote' is full of drama. Powerfull stuff".

Fono Forum

2020 Januar



Christoph Vratz

2020 Januar

"Müller-Schott ist ein Klang-Sensualist, der Farben als erzählerische Mittel einsetzt ... Er ist kein Rebell, kein Bilderstürmer, dafür umso mehr Spürnase. So entsteht ein natürliches Miteinander mit dem Melbourne Symphoni Orchestra, das Andrew Davis in Tempi und Abstimmung der einzelnen Instrumente klug steuert ... Die Sonate und die beider Lieder begleitet Herbert Schuch am Klavier. Beide Solisten lassen es in den Ecksätzen richtig funkeln".

BBC music magazine

2013 May



David Nice

2013 May

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "Stenz gets the proportions exactly right. He plunges us into the delirium of the melancholy hero's addled brain with a clarity pointing forward to Schoenberg's First Chamber Symphony ... Adventurous Alban Gerhardt is vivid as Quixote takes several tumbles ... The peerless viola player Laurence Power is luxury casting as an equally human Sancho Panza. No stars needed to be drafted in for one of the best Till Eulenspiegels on disc ... An irrepressible performance".

Fono Forum

2013 August



Andreas Friesenhagen

2013 August

"Nicht die reine Freude. Noch-Chefdirigent Markus Stenz zerlegt die Partituren von 'Don Quixote' und 'Till Eulenspiegel' in ihre Einzelteile, seziert sie geradezu. Da will sich keine Lebendigkeit, keine Atmosphäre einstellen, da bleibt Don Quixote eine Papiersfigur. Das trockene Klangbild trägt zu diesem Eindruck nicht unwesentlich bei".

High fidelity

2003 6


2003 6

The gramophone

2019 Awards



Hugo Shirley

2019 Awards

"There's little to fault in Müller-Schott's playing ... He sings out the two songs gorgeously, and the performance of the sonata is technically superb - full of focus and conviction and, in the moments that require it, lyricism ... The tone poem is the main event, though ... Davis proves himself again to be an instinctive Straussian - his pacing is impeccable and he draws vivid playing from his orchestra".

The gramophone

2013 May



Geoffrey Norris

2013 May

"Pictorial points are in general well made; the scenes are colourfully set; and both Gerhardt and Power are such fine, sensitive and expressive musicians that they encapsulate the varied moods of their protagonists poignantly and purposefully. Markus Stenz attacks Till Eulenspiegel with vigour, spirited detail and humour"".

Information and editions