Music / rock

Doom days

Reviews (4)


d. 14. June 2019



Brice Ezell

d. 14. June 2019

"It's hard to say what Bastille could specifically do to alter its now familiar song playbook, but at the same time, the simple if broad "anything but this" feels accurate. On Doom Days Bastille falls into a sonic rut, but its best music gives us plenty of indication that this need not spell doom for what's to come for this still-young outfit".

Gaffa [online]

d. 29. June 2019



Kristian Bach Petersen

d. 29. June 2019

"Bastilles tredje fuldlængde-album er intelligent og velskåret indiepopmusik med gode tekster og tyngde trods musikalsk lethed. Det handler både om en fest, der varer hele natten og om verden anno 2019 ... Musikken glider hen over de 11 skæringer lidt sammen i pænhed, men det er stadig en overbevisende samling numre. De virker både tidssvarende og aktuelle, samtidig med, at der peges tilbage til popikoner som Massive Attack og Duran Duran ... Bastille-hovedmand Dan Smith giver om nogen moderne popmusik et godt rygte".





Heather Phares


"Doom Days is easily the group's most cohesive album yet, but as they tighten their focus, they also expand their sound. Alongside quintessentially heartfelt Bastille songs like "Another Place" are tracks such as "4AM," which moves from a cozy acoustic singalong to brass and beats with the seamless flow of their mixtapes, and "Million Pieces," which sets Doom Days' escapist heights to rhythms that evoke '90s garage. On "Joy," the band draws on the power of a gospel choir to give the album a happy ending that feels well-earned, even if it's only temporary. This need to seize the moment has been one of Bastille's main messages since "Pompeii," and with Doom Days, they prove they can deliver it in increasingly eloquent and relatable ways".


d. 11. June 2019



Rhian Daly

d. 11. June 2019

"'Doom Days' is a vivid snapshot of humanity and an imaginative, adventurous levelling up from one of Britain's most influential bands. If the end times are coming, you could do a whole lot worse than taking its lead and gathering up all your friends, pressing play and partying like it's 1999".

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