Music / rock

Dream Wife

Reviews (3)


d. 22. Jan. 2018



Leonie Cooper

d. 22. Jan. 2018

"God damn have we been waiting a long time for a band like Dream Wife. They've got the art school cred - they all met while studying down in Brighton but are now based in London - they've got the slamming tunes and they've got the kind of attitude that, were you able to bottle it and sell it to shy and retiring 14-year-olds, you'd make millions".

Record collector

476 (2018 February)


476 (2018 February)

"Icelandic-British trio Dream Wife are, in a sense, Riot Grrrls Who Just Want To Have Fun. A fantasy come to life - they began as an art project in 2015 - they deal in clattering post-punk guitar and murky basslines (sparks of Television, shades of The Chameleons), throat-ravaging screams and lyrics of female empowerment ... Mjöll and musicians Alice Go and Bella Podpadec's sound is as uncompromising as their politics or attitude; a fizzing pop sensibility and an unchecked, quirky playfulness are here too, along with a desire to recapture teen wonder".


d. 2. Feb. 2018



Simon Lund

d. 2. Feb. 2018

"Dream Wife er tre kvinder fra henholdsvis London, Brighton og Reykjavik ... De elleve sange er en syngende lussing af fængende melodier og punksmadret energi med lidt sukkersødme på toppen. Lige så ubøjelig som sjov punkrock, der har Blondie, Bikini Kill og Yeah Yeah Yeahs som musikalske referencer og kitter det hele sammen med riot grrrl-nerve. Der bliver sunget og skreget hen over de hæsblæsende guitarriff med en fart i blodet, der ikke lader noget rigtig bundfælde sig, heller ikke musikalsk. Men det er ligesom hele pointen".