Music / klassisk musik 1950 ->


Reviews (5)

RBB Kultur

d. 23. Feb. 2022



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 23. Feb. 2022

"Auf ihrem neuen Album "Eden" zeigt sich Joyce DiDonato vielseitiger denn je. Vom Frühbarock bis zur Gegenwart reicht ihr Repertoire, und zwar unter Einbeziehung sogar einzelner Wagner- und Mahler-Lieder. Sie geht auf den Teufel zu. Und das für ein, man könnte sagen: "Weltumarmungs"-Konzept der Rückbesinnung auf Natur und auf unsere Wurzeln - zum Zweck der Imagination eines neuen "Eden"".

The observer

d. 26. Feb. 2022



Fiona Maddocks

d. 26. Feb. 2022

"Concept albums such as this tend to attract cynicism. Made with such dedication, Eden provokes thought and, through the persuasions of music, asks us to engage. There's no reason to resist".

Presto classical

d. 25. Feb. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 25. Feb. 2022

"Recording of the week: Joyce DiDonato is back with another concept-album, and this time her subject is the fractured relationship between humanity and nature ... Perhaps the biggest surprise on the album is 'Schmerzen' from Wagner's Wesendonck-Lieder, which reveals a thrilling blade in DiDonato's upper register ... And the ... evergreen 'Ombra mai fu' from Serse brings this thought-provoking, moving album to the most exquisite close".

BBC music magazine

2022 April



Kate Wakeling

2022 April

"It is perhaps no surprise that the various 18th-century works included find DiDonato on especially thrilling form ... Yet DiDonato shines, too, in the more contemporary works ... This is a highly commendable recording that commands serious attention for both its music and its message".

The gramophone

2022 March



Mark Seow

2022 March

"Editor's choice: It's difficult to argue with DiDonato's crystalline coloratura, and in many ways the thrilling accompaniment is Il Pomo d'Oro at their best, too. The individual performances are sensational ... I'm brought to tearful wonder by the album's close. DiDonato's farewell, 'Ombra mai fù' from Handel's Serse, is a performance so beautiful that it makes your insides ache".