Music / solosang

Tyrannic love

Reviews (15)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 22. Oct. 2018



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 22. Oct. 2018

"Die Purcell-CD ist als ein buntes Wechselspiel von Vokal- und Instrumentalwerken angelegt und stellt die stilistische Vielfalt der Kompositionen von Henry Purcell in den Mittelpunkt. Arien und Songs aus Bühnenwerken und Kantaten werden geschickt mit Instrumentalsätzen verbunden, die mal lebhaft, mal melancholisch und auch mal charmant folkloristisch angelegt sind. Die Stimme von Tim Meads fasziniert dabei in allen Lagen mit ihrer Klarheit, Intonationsreinheit und Wärme ... Mit den Musiciens de Saint-Julien steht Tim Meads ein ideales Instrumentalensemble zur Seite".

MusicWeb international

2008 January



Michael Greenhalgh

2008 January

"This is a strikingly original and innovative CD. Purcell and Crumb, equally accessible, make a stimulating mix in a structure explained in the booklet but Schafer’s selection of connecting Shakespeare, as noted in the heading, didn’t work for me".

MusicWeb international

2021 February



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2021 February

"The title is really a handle on which to hang a pleasant recital of theatre music by Purcell and distinguished contemporaries, John Eccles, John Blow, Jeremiah Clarke - the real composer of what for years was called the 'Purcell Voluntary' - and younger brother Daniel Purcell. The programme ranges over a gamut of emotions, and does so with gusto - and without, where appropriate - yet never losing a sense of style".

The observer

d. 30. Jan. 2021



Fiona Maddocks

d. 30. Jan. 2021

"Late in his short life, Henry Purcell (1659-95) wrote mainly for the theatre. On Tyrannic Love (Alpha), the French ensemble Les Surprises have gathered some of his stage pieces - from King Arthur, The Fairy Queen, The Virtuous Wife and more - with music by Purcell's circle: John Blow, John Eccles ... Directed by Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas, with singers Eugénie Lefebvre and Etienne Bazola, the group take a brisk approach, but are capable of intimacy too".

BBC music magazine

2007 December



Hilary Finch

2007 December

"One does begin to crave a similarly variegated palette of voices in this repertoire ... But the album is obviously as much a portrait of Sampson as of Purcell: and given the high quality of the production all round, it would be churlish to complain".

BBC music magazine

2019 January



Anthony Pryer

2019 January

"Mead began as a choral scholar in England and is known for his clear diction and vocal poise, while Lazarevitch studied in Paris and Brussels, and has an eclectic approach to instrumental performance, drawing on popular and 'folk' styles. At one level the combination works well ... In short, this is an enjoyable disc, but one that sometimes raises unsettling questions regarding interpretation".


2018 novembre



Gaëtan Naulleau

2018 novembre

Fono Forum

2021 Juni



Matthias Hengelbrock

2021 Juni

"In seinen letzten Lebensjahren schrieb Henry Purcell vermehrt Musik für das Theater, und zwar nicht nur die vier bekannten Semi-Operas, sondern auch zahlreiche Tänze und Lieder als Einlagen in Schauspiele ... Ob man das wirklich so derb und distanzlos machen muss wie die Sopranistin Eugénie Lefebvre, sei dahingestellt; ein Wesen barocker Affekte ist ja gerade, dass sie stilisiert und überhöht sind. Immerhin kommt Lefebvre in der zweiten Hälfte der vorliegenden Aufnahme etwas zur Ruhe ... Ohnehin zeichnet sich das Ensemble Les Surprises durch einen guten Geschmack aus ... Kurzum: Ein interessantes, gut strukturiertes Programm, interpretatorisch mit viel Licht und wenig Schatten".

The gramophone

2008 March



Philip Clark

2008 March

"If a meeting of minds between England's first great composer and one of America's most idiosyncratic experimental voices at first seems an unlikely gambit, then Schäfer reaches inside this material to uncover connections that are wholly convincing".


2008 02



Jens Cornelius

2008 02

"Den tyske sopran Christine Schäfer går hele vejen: Mystisk, kunstnerisk cover og en helt usædvanlig sammenblanding af musik der lægger op til at man hører pladen i sin helhed - hver gang ... Mellem numrene hvisker en tysk barneskuespiller uddrag fra Shakespeares sonetter på en baggrund af elektroniske lyde. Schäfer er en skarpsindig sangerinde der forvandler Purcell til avantgarde og Crumb til melodier. Fremragende og intens musiceren af både hende og pianisten".

The gramophone

2007 December



David Vickers

2007 December

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Sampson achieves the perfect degree of joyful radiance, seductiveness, witty comment or melancholy in each song ... First-class new recordings of Purcell's music are much too rare, and this one deserves to be an enormous success".


2008 02



Jens Cornelius

2008 02

"Sopranen Carolyn Sampsons nye Purcell-cd indeholder et virkelig godt udvalg af sange ... Sampson har en jublende klang, en fuldstændig ubesværet teknik og et livligt humør. Sprogligt bliver der leget helt i Purcells ånd, og hun akkompagneres af supersmidige barokmusikere".

The gramophone

2018 December



Lindsay Kemp

2018 December

"The vocal numbers are sung by Tim Mead, a top-class English countertenor of the kind that could have been made for this music ... His singing radiates rich colour, smooth lyricism and exquisite melancholy ... Yet the most striking aspect of these performances undoubtedly lies in the instrumental music, full of life and colour ... This disc is a hugely enjoyable Purcellian celebration".

The gramophone

2021 February



Alexandra Coghlan

2021 February

"Editor's choice: The theme is love, but there's nothing coy or sugary about either music or performances that embrace extremes of emotion and expression ... Much of this is theatre music, and in the absence of a stage Les Surprises supply all the drama ... There's delight after delight here, both in repertoire - which includes plenty of lesser-known treasures - and performances. This is one French invasion to welcome with open arms".