Music / kor


Reviews (3)

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Marc Rochester

2020 November

"Some of the more successful performances are of rather uninspiring music. Andre Previn's Vocalise ... seems to have little to offer, while Bo Holten's own Nordisk Suite and Römische Elegie 1, are more musically rewarding and well suited to the choir. But the only work which really comes across effectively for me is the Jardin des Olives by Vic Nees. It is well sung with relatively discernible French words and a pleasing baritone soloist in the person of Philippe Souvagie. It is the only (so far as I can see) commercial recording of the work, but even so, I do not think it worth sitting through all the rest of this musical gloom and despondency just for this one piece".

MusicWeb international

2020 September



John France

2020 September

"The word 'Elegy' means 'a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead'. In classical literature it was simply a poem written in 'elegiac couplets' often covering a wide range of topics, including love, death, war and commemorative verses. I found it difficult to divine which definition of the word applied to this CD. I think a combination of both is the answer. Finally, the inclusion of meaningless interludes for cello solo, here and there, during the programme seems totally pointless and a gimmick. Remove them, and this becomes a varied, imaginative, and interesting programme".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 26. Oct. 2020



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 26. Oct. 2020

"Titlen er "Elegy", og indholdet lever i høj grad op til det elegiske. Holten, der også står i spidsen for de danske ensembler Ars Nova og Musica Ficta, dirigerer på den nye cd den Flamske Radios Kor i en række værker, der spænder vidt, men alle har den samme grundtone af vemod ... På "Elegy" kan man opleve Holtens "Nordisk Suite" og "Römische Elegie". Og værkerne bindes smukt sammen af cellosolostykker, komponeret eller udvalgt med sikker hånd af Bo Holten. For også andre komponister er repræsenteret ... Man må konstatere, at det er en ganske smuk efterårsbuket, Bo Holten her har bundet til elskere af god kormusik".