Music / klassiske symfonier


Reviews (10)

The guardian

d. 8. Oct. 2015



Kate Molleson

d. 8. Oct. 2015

"Violins play on E strings made of gut rather than steel and slap on plenty of idiomatic slides between notes, but mostly it's the light, bright articulation and taut energy that give away the band's baroque sensibility. Patches of scrappy violin playing come as a bit of a jolt, but the brass fanfares are terrific - boisterous but clear as a bell".


d. 1. Feb. 2016



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 1. Feb. 2016

"Orkestret insisterer på at finde den originale sound, og kombinationen af dumpe pauker, nøgtern strygerlyd, hvor musikerne ofte ikke løfter fingrene, men glider mellem tonerne, og de mange blæsere bliver da også dybt original. Og overrumplende. Selv Dvoraks normalt så venlige symfoniske storhed dufter af nyhed og overraskelse".

BBC music magazine

2016 January



Jan Smaczny

2016 January

"The sound is vivid with the woodwind emerging brightly. On the down side, string lines are often thin and occasionally scrappy ... This is far from pleasurable listening [Dvořák] ... With its large number of brass instruments, Janáček's Sinfonietta is a tall order and the results are far from perfect".


2013, nr. 50



Gunnar Lanzky-Otto

2013, nr. 50

"Glöm för allt i världen inte hans orkestermusik! ... Altt för lite kända, inte jättelätta att ramla över bara så där ens på skiva ... Den här repertoaren behärskar han [Tomás Netopil] fullständigt utomordentligt".

The gramophone

2015 October



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2015 October

"Anima Eterna's new all-Czech coupling is something of a revelation ... Janáček's Sinfonietta is delightfully rustic in tone ... A unique pairing, I'd say, one that delivers on so many fronts ... Just occasionally Immerseel errs on the side of caution, which is of little account given the enormous amount of pleasure - and instruction - that this excellent coupling provides".

The gramophone

2014 December



John Warrack

2014 December

"The players are brilliant and the sound is glorious, very skilfully recorded ... Jean-Efflam Bavouzet performs dazzling feats of virtuosity with a truly exacting solo part; and the extraordinary, fascinating textures are displayed by both artists and recording engineers".

International record review

2014 November



Richard Whitehouse

2014 November

"Sets a notable benchmark in its coupling of three highly contrasted pieces from Janacek's maturity ... And this disc can be warmly recommended as the first instalment of a series which ought to become the most wide-ranging yet in its coverage of Janacek's orchestral works".

BBC music magazine

2014 Christmas



Jan Smaczny

2014 Christmas

"We have a fine interpreter of Janáček and a distinguished orchestra ... Orchestral ensemble is good though not always the intonation. Still, the remaining movements are more compelling, with vivid orchestral playing, including luxurious strings in the third movement [Sinfonietta] ... Altogether this is a most promising start to an excellent project".

International record review

2013 July/August



William Hedley

2013 July/August

"A lukewarm opening, then, but my goodness, things do hot up as the performance goes on, encouraging me to recommend this collection to anyone to whom this programme appeals".

The gramophone

2013 August



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2013 August

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "A superb programme ... The substantially gifted Tomáš Netopil has the full measure of all four works ... You hear everything and yet not a single note obtrudes. An absolute winner".