Music / electronica

Englabörn & variations

Reviews (3)

Resident advisor

d. 3. Apr. 2018



Andy Beta

d. 3. Apr. 2018

"... Jóhannsson's shocking and sudden passing at the age of 48 makes it all the more bittersweet to have Englabörn reissued as an expanded package ... The remixes show Jóhannsson's influence on his contemporaries ... Englabörn & Variations won't be the last reissue of the composer's work, but Jóhannsson clearly had more to give. (In fact, he had been working on this package with Deutsche Grammophon shortly before his death.) What remains is a profound body of work that will continue to resonate".


d. 5. Mar. 2003



Andy Beta

d. 5. Mar. 2003

"Best New Music" - "With the slightest of movements, and in a handful of descending notes, a shivering gulf of sadness is conveyed. It's easy to mention something grandiose, but to fully expound upon this subtly gestured work of music is far more difficult a task. While Englabörn remains out of reach with these words, the music continues to enrich".

BBC music




Tim Nelson


"Englaborn is, indeed, utterly gorgeous ... The sixteen miniature pieces here have been described as a balance of emotional opposites, love and hate, reflecting the contrast between the music and the play, which is extremely violent and disturbing. Johannsson's music is extremely nuanced, a collection of ever-changing moods moving beyond words while maintaining a profound simplicity. Shimmering, colourful and alive, it's not surprising to hear that strangers have come up to Johannsson and hugged him since hearing it".