Music / electronica


Reviews (2)

Resident advisor

d. 7. Mar. 2013



Andrew Ryce

d. 7. Mar. 2013

"It's hard to know what to take away from Exai after the ambient "YJY UX" fades to a close. In some ways it feels like they've got more of a grip on what they're trying to do than they've ever had. On the other hand, the only real cohesion is its resistance to linearity and conventional melody. If you don't get it, Exai might seem like a bloated blob of pretensions. If you do, however, you might have found your holy grail".

Gaffa [online]

d. 5. Mar. 2013



Simon Nathanael

d. 5. Mar. 2013

"Detaljerigdommen på 'vekoS' er uendelig og uendeligt dragende i sin indkredsning af støjens mange facetter. På numre som 'jatevee C' og 'T ess xi' bliver det tonale pludselig vigtigt, mens de unikke, rytmiske strukturer lander i et, for Autechre, blødere leje end forventet. Desværre udmatter den to timer lange maskinstøj mere, end den tilfredsstiller".

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