Music / rock

Face the madness

Reviews (6)

Angry metal guy

d. 16. Aug. 2021



El Cuervo

d. 16. Aug. 2021

"Face the Madness is not bad at all. There's no getting around the fact that it's meat and potatoes thrash but sometimes a slab of (substitute) meat and a heap of carbs is exactly what you need. It's the sort of record I would have hated a few years ago as it's blunt, unsubtle and Neanderthalic. Fortunately I have now self-corrected and appreciate that not every piece of music is designed to make you reconsider the world. Stand up, grab a beer and stomp around your room. It's hard to fault Killing for their capacity to entertain in this context".

d. 8. Aug. 2021



Lasse Jacobsen

d. 8. Aug. 2021

"Som nævnt er der plads til forbedringer her og der, men alt i alt er det svært at få armene ned samt få stuen til at stoppe med at rotere, når man har hørt Face The Madness - en fornem hyldest til den klassiske thrash. Det er absolut en af de bedre danske thrash-plader i lang tid, og hold da magle, hvor jeg glæder mig til at opleve det live. Sikke en mosh, det kan blive til!".


d. 4. Aug. 2021



Mathias Nielsen

d. 4. Aug. 2021

"Djursland-thrasherne Killings debut er et solidt og oldschool album, som får ekstra pluspoint for den rå og blodtørstige stemning, men knap så mange for de lige vel generiske riffs".


d. 4. Aug. 2021



Mathias Nielsen

d. 4. Aug. 2021

"Djursland-thrasherne Killings debut er et solidt og oldschool album, som får ekstra pluspoint for den rå og blodtørstige stemning, men knap så mange for de lige vel generiske riffs".

d. 8. Aug. 2021



Lasse Jacobsen

d. 8. Aug. 2021

"Som nævnt er der plads til forbedringer her og der, men alt i alt er det svært at få armene ned samt få stuen til at stoppe med at rotere, når man har hørt Face The Madness - en fornem hyldest til den klassiske thrash. Det er absolut en af de bedre danske thrash-plader i lang tid, og hold da magle, hvor jeg glæder mig til at opleve det live. Sikke en mosh, det kan blive til!".

Angry metal guy

d. 16. Aug. 2021



El Cuervo

d. 16. Aug. 2021

"Face the Madness is not bad at all. There's no getting around the fact that it's meat and potatoes thrash but sometimes a slab of (substitute) meat and a heap of carbs is exactly what you need. It's the sort of record I would have hated a few years ago as it's blunt, unsubtle and Neanderthalic. Fortunately I have now self-corrected and appreciate that not every piece of music is designed to make you reconsider the world. Stand up, grab a beer and stomp around your room. It's hard to fault Killing for their capacity to entertain in this context".