Music / rock

Fade away

Reviews (4)


d. 21. Oct. 2013



Carrie Battan

d. 21. Oct. 2013

"There are touches of sophistication across Fade Away that Best Coast haven't been able to achieve until now, and Cosentino glides easily between shades of guitar-pop and chillier sounds. She seems as comfortable on a swooning ballad ("Fade Away") as she does on a song that harnesses the frenetic sugar of Josie and the Pussycats ("This Lonely Morning") or the gauzy whisper of Mazzy Star ("Baby I'm Crying"). She's flexing her muscles as a songwriter, and she makes something that's probably very difficult sound as though it comes easily to her".

Gaffa [online]

d. 22. Oct. 2013



Christian Erin-Madsen

d. 22. Oct. 2013

"Man genkender mindre af den ligefremme The Vivian Girls-stil eller den skramlede lyd, der satte det hele i gang - og det bånd bør de ikke cutte - men med fornyelsen lander duoen flere gode skæringer - tjek også Who Have I Become og I Don't Know How. Så ja, det fungerer".

Drowned in sound

d. 18. Oct. 2013



Tom Fenwick

d. 18. Oct. 2013

"Musically, the duo seem content working through the same predictable chord progressions that they've always peddled, crafting an amalgam of largely uninspiring jangle-pop. While they hint towards something more sonically captivating, nothing tangible materialises, leaving tracks like the moody 'Fade Away' failing to draw life from potentially fertile ground. The record burns out in a shoegazey/grunge-lite fug as Cosentino intones, "I won't change, I'll stay the same" - a sentiment which certainly resonates throughout the bulk of this EP's melodies".


d. 9. Dec. 2013



Pernille Jensen

d. 9. Dec. 2013

"Der [er] en mere trist grundtone på de to seneste Best Coast-plader, og det er både godt og skidt. Godt, fordi Cosentinos vokal har en naturlig melankolsk klang, og fordi hun tydeligvis (stadig) har masser af problemer med kærligheden. Men skidt, når der går storslået stadionstemning i den på titelnummeret. En Best Coast-plade skal helst ikke lyde som Kings of Leon. Heldigvis sker det kun en gang på en ellers fin ep".