Music / rock

Floating coffin

Reviews (2)


d. 12. Apr. 2015



Thom Gibbs

d. 12. Apr. 2015

"There are plenty of familiar garage-y thrills to be found here, but a new sense of menace too. Title track 'Floating Coffin' gallops along with a host of panicked guitar scratches, while the droning groove of 'Night Crawler' comes across like a spaced-out Iceage. Eyes are momentarily taken off the ball for 'Strawberries 1+2' which meanders around a riff in search of more notes, but gentle album closer 'Minotaur', all gorgeous harmonies and palette-cleansing strings, demonstrates a band in charge of its own weird, fuzzy destiny".


d. 15. Apr. 2013



Evan Minsker

d. 15. Apr. 2013

"The lyrics are run through the band's go-to filter of falsetto, voice effects, and extremely loud guitars. The title track is a chaotic burner that sounds like it could fall apart at any moment-- each element is barely held together by the bassline-- so any vocals are pretty well obliterated by volume. But for an album stuffed with great melodies, smooth transitions, shredding guitar solos, and stellar percussion work (the spastic percussion simmering in the background of "Sweet Helicopter" is a particular highlight), it's hard to mind when the lyrics take a backseat".