Music / solosang

Freudvoll und leidvoll

Reviews (17)

MusicWeb international

2019 February



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2019 February

"It is a fascinating disc with some of the best of his songs in, very often, extremely beautiful readings and with a willingness to penetrate the dramatic possibilities that is praiseworthy. There is a freshness of approach that is stimulating, Julius Drake accompanies in a manner that Liszt himself would have admired - and there isn't a dull phrase in the whole recital ... This series certainly goes from strength to strength".

Presto classical

d. 21. Dec. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 21. Dec. 2018

"Recording of the week: Clayton brings the same compelling mixture of ardour and vulnerability that made his Glyndebourne Hamlet such a sensation to a selection of German and French songs: the latter, in particular, suggest that the voice is on the cusp of a transition into more dramatic territory ... Spotlit by a pleasingly dry acoustic which allows every thoughtful detail to register, Drake is characteristically eloquent and imaginative throughout - listen, for instance, to the two completely different moods which he invokes with a simple repeated phrase in the space of just two bars in the opening of 'Morgens steh' ich auf und frage'".

Presto classical

d. 17. Sep. 2021



Katherine Cooper

d. 17. Sep. 2021

"Recording of the week: The Petrarch Sonnets find Kaufmann in absolute peak vocal form, cresting the top Cs with ease ... The macabre, unsettling Die drei Zigeuner is another real highlight, with Kaufmann characterising the three gypsies quite brilliantly, and Deutsch working uncanny magic in the long, quasi-improvisatory introduction ... This is quite the finest recording Kaufmann's made for Sony, and a testament to one of the greatest Lieder partnerships of our time".

MusicWeb international

2008 July



Michael Cookson

2008 July

"I was highly delighted with these assured performances from the outstanding soprano Ruth Ziesak and her impeccable accompanist Gerold Huber. Recorded in Cologne, the sound quality achieved by the Berlin Classics engineers is excellent".

MusicWeb international

2020 March



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2020 March

"In all four Julia Kleiter's beautiful singing and keen articulation of the texts ennobles the songs ... Collectors of this Liszt series can safely add this latest issue to their collections, which more and more stands out as one of the most valuable surveys of the song repertoire".

BBC music magazine

2018 January



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2018 January

"The quieter moments of these songs show Allan Clayton's voice at its best: smooth, tender and altogether alluring ... By and large his diction is good ... Overall the performances are alive to the drama in many of these songs, suggesting what the quality might have been of the mature opera Liszt never wrote".


2022, nr. 64



Jeppe Rönnow

2022, nr. 64

"De fleste af Liszts mange lieder er ikke helt vellykkede, men dem som er, er til gengæld små mesterværkder ... Jonas Kaufmann har taget liederne til sig, og det er vist ikke gjort bedre i andre tilgængelige indspilninger. Hans stemme tolker og indoptager Liszts musik og de tyske digte, så de smelter sammen, og både klaverakkompagnementet og pianistens velskrevne cd-noter bidrager til, at lytteren kommer på rejse i en svunden romantik, som har været negligeret i et stykke tid".

BBC music magazine

2021 November



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2021 November

"In any event, Freudvoll und Leidvoll is a well-schosen anthology, perhaps spurred on by Kaufmann's longstanding pisnist Helmut Deutsch, a 'Lisztomaniac' form his teenage years ... Well chosen certainly, but some will find Kaufmann's sense of scale uncomfortable at times. He rarely resists the temptatione to rev to full vocal throttle ... Dramatic, impassioned, but more La Scala Milan than Wigmore Hall ... At its most larger-than-life, a thrilling recording not for the faint-hearted; but it's also a heart-on-sleeve reminder of Liszt's abiding versatility".

Fono Forum

2021 November



Christoph Vratz

2021 November

"Dieses Album mit 20 Liedern von Franz Liszt ... Hier kann er [Jonas Kaufmann] seine vokalen Fähigkeiten mühelos unter Beweis stellen: sein kraftvolles Forte, eine, wo nötig, leicht metallische Prägnanz in der Tonfärbung und umgekehrt viel Wärme ... Deutsch begleitet gewohnt sicher, als Duo harmonieren beide ohnehin wie aus dem Effeff".

BBC music magazine

2008 August



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2008 August

"Ruth Ziesak's selection of 21, including some of the best known, forms a good introduction to their varied merits, and her strong interpretative skills ... stand her in good stead".


2020 mars



Sylvain Fort

2020 mars

BBC music magazine

2020 March



Rebecca Franks

2020 March

"This excellent series continues with a selection performed exquisitely by soprano Julia Kleiter. At the programme's heart are Liszt's unmissable four settings of Victor Hugo".

BBC music magazine

2015 April



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2015 April

"In excellent sound, it all adds up to a delightful sequence of discoveries".

The gramophone

2018 November



Tim Ashley

2018 November

"A willingness to take risks ... has always been integral to [Clayton's] singing, and the dividends are often enormous ... There are also wonderful moments of lyrical reflection, though, and the way he sings 'Du bist wie eine Blume' with a poised mezza voce is breathtaking. Drake, meanwhile, invests every phrase with weight and meaning, and is, as ever, outstanding. Another fine disc in an exceptional series".

The gramophone

2021 Awards



David Patrick Stearns

2021 Awards

"Songs of the legendarily charismatic Franz Liszt would seem - at least in theory - a great fit for magnetic Heldentenor Jonas Kaufmann. However, a number of elements conspire to keep this album from being all that it could have been ... Any number of full-throated moments ... jump out at the ear with an effect that's more aggressive than heroic. Kaufmann does scale back his voice succesfully but more fragile songs become pallid".

The gramophone

2020 February



Tim Ashley

2020 February

"Editor's choice: The performances here blaze with conviction. Kleiter's tone is wonderfully even and exceptionally beautiful over a wide vocal range, and her commitment is never for a second in doubt ... Drake is similarly at his best here ... A marvellous disc and a great recital in its own right, this is arguably the finest instalment of the series to date. Do listen to it".

The gramophone

2015 April



Richard Wigmore

2015 April

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "The ever-rewarding song partnership of Gerald Finley and Julius Drake are persuasive advocates across the whole spectrum of Lisztian styles".