Music / rock

Future politics

Reviews (3)


d. 21. Jan. 2017



Katherine St. Asaph

d. 21. Jan. 2017

"With a newly pared down sound, Austra's latest synth-pop record concerns itself primarily with the dark side of "the personal is political." But it is essentially optimistic, and presents solutions".


d. 12. Jan. 2017



Andrew Paschal

d. 12. Jan. 2017

"On a purely musical level, the album is not necessarily the band's best or most consistent work, with Feel It Break looking like it may always be the fan favorite. Thematically, though, Austra is fulfilling their vision of themselves more than ever and solidifying their identity as a band, making Future Politics an edifying and intriguing listen all the same".


d. 19. Jan. 2017



Kim Skotte

d. 19. Jan. 2017

"'Future Politics' er strunk og elegant elektronisk popmusik fra det moderne bylandskab. »It's like we were alive«, synger [Katie Stelmanis] på samme tid triumferende og sørgmodigt på åbningsnummeret, 'We Were Alive', og uden at blive bombastisk udspiller Austras tredje album sig i skyggen af en truende fremtid. Grundtonen er mørk og fortrydelig med blitzende lysglimt på den paradoksale popsang 'I Love You More Than You Love Yourself'".