Music / rock

Hail to the king

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 23. Aug. 2013



Keld Rud

d. 23. Aug. 2013

"Åbningsnummeret, Shepherd of Fire, er et af albummets kronjuveler, hvor især den ildevarslende intros effektfulde brug af blæsere giver sangen noget helt specielt. Titelnummeret følger, og her såvel som på den rock- og rullende Doing Time fungerer den forenklede tilgang efter hensigten. Med This Means War går femkløveret dog lidt for trofast i forbilledernes fodspor, og sangen giver alt for tydelige associationer til Metallicas Sad But True".

Metal injection

d. 17. May 2013




d. 17. May 2013

"The bottom line is that the band obviously worked really hard on creating an album that shifted their styles a bit from a hyper and quicker-paced metalcore-ish sound to a stripped down, groovier metal with flavors of the past. And they did just that, but forgot to account for a lack of variety"ut it can be a little mundane at points".