Music / rock

The stage

Reviews (3)


d. 7. Nov. 2016



Casper Villumsen

d. 7. Nov. 2016

"Avenged Sevenfold sprænger de gængse rammer og har begået et modent og stort værk, der er ambitiøst og nærmest ubehagelig prætentiøst. Og de kommer i mål med det ... Avenged Sevenfold udfordrer med dette album. Om vi er for langt inde i en zapper-generation til, at det vil fungere for bandets store fanbase, må tiden vise. Albummet har rum til fordybelse, og det lønner sig, hvis man orker".


d. 28. Oct. 2016



Scott M. Baldwin

d. 28. Oct. 2016

""The Stage" is a new lease on life, and a significant step in the right direction for a band that has been needing both for ages ... Avenged Sevenfold are back, out of thin air with (yet another) new drummer and a brand new album, simply titled The Stage, that while far from perfect, is the kick in the ass they've been needing for a while".

Metal injection

d. 31. Oct. 2016



Michael Pementel

d. 31. Oct. 2016

"The Stage is a masterpiece (yeah I said it). Call Avenged Sevenfold too mainstream if you want, but when musicians bust their ass and make incredible music, credit is due. With its brilliant composition, vast and strong collection of sounds, this is the Avenged Sevenfold record that shines the brightest amongst the stars. The Stage isn't just a great step up from their previous work, but an outstanding addition to the halls of metal and rock that will forever be remembered".