Music / electronica


Reviews (4)


d. 6. Apr. 2016



Quinn Moreland

d. 6. Apr. 2016

"Claire Boucher's early experimentations were a far cry from the music she makes today. Halfaxa, 15 ethereal tracks in which her vocals approached pure glossolalia, is Grimes at her most mystical ... Halfaxa foreshadows the musician Boucher is today: enigmatic, intimate, and uncompromising".

Drowned in sound

d. 7. Mar. 2011



Clare Welsh

d. 7. Mar. 2011

"This is not the kind of gut-wrenching, heart-racing, shiver-inducing stuff that knocks you for six and leaves you gagging for more. But as nostalgic, hand-crafted pastiches of contemporary pop music go, it's pretty good".

Gaffa [online]

d. 8. Mar. 2011



Ras Bolding

d. 8. Mar. 2011

"Det er svært ikke at sende folk som Enya og Kate Bush en strøtanke undervejs, og også lidt af Cocteau Twins' og Dead Can Dances univers spøger i kulissen, men samtidig leverer Grimes, ikke mindst gennem sit elektroniske lydarbejde, en egen identitet, som er forankret i lige dele kærlighed til sære, længselsfulde melodier, krystalklare synthesizere og drømmende lydlandskaber".

BBC music

d. 7. Mar. 2011



Mike Diver

d. 7. Mar. 2011

"Spend long enough in Boucher's company and one could conclude that, actually, this isn't as clever as it thinks it is. Not true, though: that she's made such an initially impenetrable album come brilliantly to life after a second or third spin is a clear sign of (quite a singular) talent. Halfaxa is literally a grower: come back again, and again, and it spreads a second-skin over the listener, one that feels like it was always there".