Music / pop

How I'm feeling

Reviews (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 5. Mar. 2020



Nanna Jenner Jensen

d. 5. Mar. 2020

"25-årige Lauv startede egentlig sin karriere som sangskriver for andre artister (...) Men både ambitionerne og skæbnen ville altså, at Lauv også skulle udgive musik i eget navn ... Ifølge Lauv selv trækker teksterne på hans forskellige del-personligheder. Således kommer vi bredt omkring, ikke bare i kærlighed og knuste hjerter, men også mentale problemer i form af ensomhed, depression og livets udfordringer helt generelt ... Desværre opstår der ofte en form for mismatch mellem netop teksternes sårbarhed og inderlighed og musikkens simple, elektroniske pop-produktioner og omkvæd. Det er absolut catchy og velproduceret, men det bliver også hurtigt lidt for pænt og poleret til, at man for alvor bliver ramt".


d. 11. Mar. 2020



Cat Zhang

d. 11. Mar. 2020

"Pop singer Ari Leff advocates powerfully for being forthright about your feelings, but his album's whopping 21-song tracklist is underwhelming and repetitive".

The guardian

d. 20. Mar. 2020



Rachel Aroesti

d. 20. Mar. 2020

"The California-born singer-songwriter convincingly argues that young people have never had it so bad on his debut album ... This heart-on-sleeve approach might well be genuine, but Gen Z malaise is also big business: from Billie Eilish to melancholy emo-rap stars, performed alienation and anxiety is currently all the rage. Lauv is well-versed in industry trends, having previously penned hits with Charli XCX and Demi Lovato, and he mostly couples his timely observations with a similarly voguish mid-tempo electropop. Restrained and airless, it is the kind that sounds as if every beat has been placed with a pair of tweezers, and that you have to listen to three times to work out which bit is the chorus".