Music / rock



Summary: Tastemakers and critics have wholeheartedly embraced the spirited and soulful sound of Hozier. The singer-songwriter has already made several appearances on NPR as well as The Late Show with David Letterman and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Review: "Grade of A-. ...possesses a voice that's remarkable not only for its tonal beauty but also for its versatility...."--Entertainment Weekly.
Review: "4 out of 5...Americana-rock blend, with oily guitar riffs, crashing high-hats, angelic choruses and sung-spoken verses about lit cigarettes and possible future lovers."--Billboard.

Reviews (2)

Rolling stone

d. 21. Oct. 2014



Jon Dolan

d. 21. Oct. 2014

"Blessed with a sensual singing voice and a seemingly bottomless well of lapsed-Catholic-style conflict, Hozier channels Van Morrison's Celtic R&B, Southern soul and Black Keys-style garage blues into intimately roiling songs like "Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene." On the Irish-folk lullaby "In a Week," he promises some lucky lass eternal rapture through the sweet embrace of shared death: "We'd become the flowers/We'd feed well the land." So down-to-earth!".

Gaffa [online]

d. 13. Oct. 2014



Malena Salvado

d. 13. Oct. 2014

"Det er en 24-årig sanger og musiker med det borgerlige navn Andrew Hozier-Byrne, som med det selvbetitlede debutalbum har gjort en sikker og meget relevant entre på musikscenen. Den er modig, fordi man kun sjældent møder debuterende artister, der i den grad tør holde fast i sig selv og deres egen lyd, som Hozier gør det. På en gang tilbageskuende og "brun" i sin blanding af blues, rock, r&b, soul og gospel, og samtidig sprød, frisk og helt glasklar i netop selvsamme unikke lydunivers".