Music / operaarier

I am Hera

Reviews (4)

MusicWeb international

2021 March



Mike Parr (musikanmelder)

2021 March

"This is her debut recital for that company and a very welcome addition it is. In general I find that Park's scenes and arias are carefully thought out and she really attempts to enliven her work with characterization and meaning that puts this ahead of many first recital discs that I have encountered".

MusicWeb international

2021 March



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2021 March

"In fact, the virtues of this album are an almost exact foil to Bartoli's; where the Italian mezzo is often close to being over the top - delightfully so, I add - the young soprano Korean's singing is a model of the kind of understatement that nevertheless makes its point ... The two closing items, by Korean composers, seem tailor made for the voice - but, then, so does everything else on this gem of a recording ... Sensitive but positive singing benefits from - and receives - a sensitive but positive accompaniment ... My enjoyment of a first recital recording from someone from whom I want to hear much more".

BBC music magazine

2021 March



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2021 March

"Opera choice: Park has recorded one of the most satisfying debuts for many a day. This is a voice that rises to every challenge ... Park 'lives' her characters too, with coloratura decoration and cadenzas always at the service of the drama ... Bertrand de Billy is her perfect partner, conducting the matchless Vienna Symphony Orchestra ... It makes you hear these old familiar arias as if for the very first time".

The gramophone

2021 March



Hugo Shirley

2021 March

"The voice is a lovely lyric instrument. It's agile and light, and blooms beautifully as it rises up the register - something that first really becomes apparent here when we get to a touching account of Cleopatra's 'Se pietà di me non senti'. In fact, she's generally at her best in the calmer numbers ... With able support from Bertrand de Billy and the Wiener Symphoniker, though, this is a promising debut from a very fine singer, and one that offers plenty to enjoy".