Music / solosang



Klaverakkompagnement uden sang.

Reviews (126)

The times

d. 15. Nov. 2008



Rick Jones

d. 15. Nov. 2008

"The winner of the Kathleen Ferrier Award in 2006 and Cardiff Singer of the World Song Prize in 2007, Watts is the new soprano to hear. She proves herself an ideal lieder singer on this Schubert disc with her bright tone, infallible tuning, clear German diction, innate lover's sadness and ability to portray a scene and tell a story simply and vividly".

Klassik heute

d. 8. Sep. 2015



Clemens Höslinger

d. 8. Sep. 2015

"Schubertfreunde, Goethefreunde, Tenorfreunde, Klavierfreunde: nehmet hin! ".

The guardian

d. 3. Sep. 2015



Erica Jeal

d. 3. Sep. 2015

"His assured delivery holds the attention throughout. Perhaps, like Kaufmann, at this early stage of his career, Peter is not yet the Lieder interpreter he will be. But what there is here is ample to be going on with".

DR musik

2014 uge 12



Jens Cornelius

2014 uge 12

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Den tyske sanger Mathias Goerne ... er den bedste til sit fag: At synge lieder, dvs. tyske sange med klaver ... Hvis du vil høre, hvor smukt og hvor gribende den slags kan gøres, så lyt til Mathias Goerne på Ugens Cd".

Presto classical




"Time and again, composers - well-known and lesser-known - have arranged Franz Schubert's piano songs for orchestra. These versions are not in any way intended to cast doubt upon the powerful quality of the originals, they merely place them in a different light, and/or attempt to make them easier to perform on a larger scale ... Baritone Benjamin Appl has compiled nineteen such arrangements from the 19th and 20th centuries for this new CD ... The album is rounded off by the first recording of Johann von Herbeck's orchestrations of Schubert's dances, thus establishing a connection between folk music and Schubert's art songs".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



Stephen Barber (musikanmelder)

2024 January

"I was immediately taken by the beauty of Appl's voice, the sensitivity of his phrasing and the sense of controlled power behind the voice ... The power of these songs can be very great ... However, Appl also excels in a gentler mood ... I could go on, but this is enough to make the point. Appl is an excellent artist, and the orchestrations are well done and rewarding. I should add that Oscar Jockel and the Munich Radio Orchestra provide sensitive support. The recording is excellent. If this had included the texts, I would have recommended it enthusiastically".

MusicWeb international

2023 November



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2023 November

"He shows his mettle from the very beginning with his beautiful singing of Abendstern, and then song after song unfolds with unerring expertise ... As a bonus, we get two handfuls of German dances in orchestral arrangements by Johann von Herbeck, spread out between the songs. They are brief, melodious and charming. The Münchner Rundfunkorchester plays both the songs and the dances excellently under the young conductor Oscar Jockel, and the recording cannot be faulted. Readers interested in the idea of hearing Schubert's songs with orchestral accompaniments can safely invest in this issue - and be sure that the singing of Benjamin Appl is first class".

MusicWeb international

2023 April



John France

2023 April

"Although I enjoy Schubert's Lieder, they not my normal listening ... This remarkable recording, a great account of seventeen (mostly very popular) numbers, made me sit up and really listen ... I enjoyed this recital. Mathias Hedegaard's well-rounded tenor reaches comfortably down into the baritone range. He can capture the mood of these songs, with all their varied emotions. Tove Lønskov ably assisted him with the sensitive accompaniment".

MusicWeb international

2023 February



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2023 February

"Recommended: I honestly didn't know what to expect when I received this album. Of course, orchestrating Schubert songs is nothing new ... I feel, though, that Alexander Schmalcz's efforts are as successful as any I've heard - and rather more successful than some ... Inevitably, I've focussed on the orchestrations in this review, but I hope I've said sufficient about the singing of Matthias Goerne to make it clear that he is on top form throughout this album ... A revelatory album".

Presto classical

d. 30. Dec. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. Dec. 2022

"Recording of the week: Schmalcz's orchestrations never seek to gild the lily or to push the singer into a more operatic form of delivery - textures are beautifully uncluttered, leaving Goerne free to sculpt and colour phrases with the utmost subtlety and intimacy ... In his insightful booklet-note Goerne writes affectionately of Schubert's ability to strike 'a perfect balance between intellectuality and the greatest naturalness', and that same equilibrium is evident in every phrase of the performances here".

MusicWeb international

2018 June



Michael Wilkinson (musikanmelder)

2018 June

"There can be no argument with the statement that Carolyn Sampson is one of the great singers of our time, and many, including myself, have longed to hear a Schubert recital on disc. Expectation can often lead to disappointment, but not so here. This is a wonderful recording, demonstrating from both performers their customary probing intelligence and sensitive insight. Carolyn Sampson is blessed by the rare combination which blends such thoughtfulness with beauty of voice and diction ... If this does not figure highly as a disc of the year, there is no justice. It is one that will move the listener beyond admiration to love".

DR musik

2016 uge 35



Jens Cornelius

2016 uge 35

"Vurdering: Ugens album" - "Sammen med den engelske pianist Malcolm Martineau har Florian Boesch tidligere indspillet de tre store sangcykluser af Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin, WInterreise og Schwanengesang. Nu følger de op med et blandet album af enkeltstående sange ... Florian Boeschs stemme har en silkeblød skønhed, hans fraseringer er raffinerede og udtrykket ofte underdrevent. Schuberts lieder får en intim karakter, som de utvivlsomt også var tiltænkt".

MusicWeb international

2016 July



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2016 July

"So much here is highly enjoyable ... Boesch has an intrinsically beautiful tone, his diction is exemplary, his control masterly and his dynamic gradations smooth as silk ... Malcolm Martineau's accompaniment is as fleet, elegant and sensitive as you could wish".


d. 17. Apr. 2014



Jens Povlsen

d. 17. Apr. 2014

"Den tyske baryton Matthias Goerne har i de seneste mange år stået for noget af det smukkeste Schubert, man kan opdrive ... Og han fortsætter med at imponere. Det er i selve leveringen af Schuberts romantiske sensibilitet, det slår gnister. Med tilpas desperation i sin store stemme og små energiske ryk i de nattemørke lieder er Goerne sammen med Deutsch og Schneider en oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige".


d. 25. Dec. 2017



Thomas Michelsen

d. 25. Dec. 2017

"Den franske dirigent Laurence Equilbey dirigerer et miniorkester i en stribe gamle, stort set ukendte orkesterarrangementer af forskellige Schubertlieder ... Den dejlige franske tenor Stanislas de Barbeyrac og den tyske alt Wiebke Lehmkuhl ... er de fremragende unge solister ... Spændende at høre komponisterne efter Schubert lege med hans lieder i ren beundring".

Berlingske tidende

d. 29. Oct. 2008



Søren Schauser

d. 29. Oct. 2008


d. 23. Jan. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 23. Jan. 2009

"Bo Skovhus synger fremragende - så smukt og dramatisk udtryksfuldt i direkte kontakt med de sjældne orkesterakkompagnementer, som han har fundet frem. Nye farver og nye ideer uddyber Schuberts og Schumanns sange ... Vi er kun i januar, men har vi ikke allerede her årets cd med Bo Skovhus' Schubert?".


d. 3. Feb. 2009



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 3. Feb. 2009

"Skovhus har sunget lieden mange gange og drømt så meget om et orkestralt modspil til den store dramatiske stemme, at han har bestilt en orkesterudgave hos Rasmussen. Projektet er en succes, og kodeordet for den er balance. En nuanceret og dramatisk stemme som Skovhus' er ofte klaverets overmand i udtryk, og det bliver der rådet bod på. Schuberts akkompagnementer er meget mere end sangstøtte, og det får man til fulde en oplevelse af. Jagtende, sitrende strygere, sart krydrede blæsermarkeringer og sprøde fløjter, der ledsager melodierne. Et remix erstatter ikke originalen - heller ikke versionerne her. Men det er kærkommen afveksling".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 6. June 2012



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 6. June 2012

"Topanbefalingen i denne særlige (og undtagelsesvise!) blanding af nekrolog og cd-anmeldelse bliver Schuberts tre sangcyklusser Die schöne Müllerin, Winterreise og Schwanengesang, indspillet med Gerald Moore ved klaveret. En lille boks med én cd pr. cyklus, men med talrige timers glæde ventende forude. Her har vi den ultimative fortolkning af disse udødelige lieder - og med en pianist, der var en sand mester i akkompagnementets sublime kunst".


d. 15. Oct. 2001


d. 15. Oct. 2001


d. 30. Aug. 2004


d. 30. Aug. 2004


d. 21. Jan. 2002


d. 21. Jan. 2002


d. 10. May 2005


d. 10. May 2005


d. 31. Mar. 2003


d. 31. Mar. 2003


d. 19. Aug. 2002


d. 19. Aug. 2002


d. 26. Jan. 2004


d. 26. Jan. 2004


d. 1. Sep. 2000


d. 1. Sep. 2000


d. 15. Oct. 2001


d. 15. Oct. 2001


d. 15. Mar. 2004


d. 15. Mar. 2004


d. 21. Jan. 2002


d. 21. Jan. 2002

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 5. Nov. 2008



Mikael Garnæs

d. 5. Nov. 2008

" Den argentinske mezzosopran Bernarda Fink har en stemmetype, der er på mode i øjeblikket: let og bevægelig, lys og noget kølig i klangen ... Og når hun synger Schubert, er det den svævende ynde og den fine fornemmelse for teksten der er hendes styrke, hvorimod hun i nogen grad kommer til kort i de mere dramatiske sange ... Hendes pianist er tyskeren Gerold Huber, og han spiller smukt og karakterfuldt, også i de melodramatiske sange".


d. 28. Nov. 2005



Knud Ketting

d. 28. Nov. 2005


d. 11. Aug. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 11. Aug. 2008

BBC music magazine

2015 October



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2015 October

"Drake is a calm and authoritative presence, seeking out and highlighting niceties of Schubert's piano writing. Ian Bostridge, meanwhile, shows a careful attention to the text, though sometimes vocal limitations prevent him from entirely realising his artistic intentions ... The best things here, however ... repay repeated listening".

BBC music magazine

2014 October



Hilary Finch

2014 October

"Gerhaher's singing is deeply expressive; yet he is far too intelligent a musician ever to be for a moment self-indulgent or self-concious".

Fono Forum

2014 September



Christoph Zimmermann

2014 September

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Die Textbehandlung ist nichts weniger als mirakulös. Und einen so sensiblen Begleiter wie Gerold Huber zu haben, ist geradezu ein Gottesgeschenk".


2014 septembre



Hélène Cao

2014 septembre

BBC music magazine

2014 June



Hilary Finch

2014 June

"The entire first disc is beautifully shaped as darkness gives way to early spring light, exaltation and consolation ... At times, I wished someone could have coaxed just a fleeting smile or moment of charm from the ever-earnest Goerne. But his deep seriousness never fails to come up with rare insight, and yields many unforgettable performances here".

Fono Forum

2006 April



Christoph Vratz

2006 April

"Diese Aufnahme ist fazinierend und betörend. Sie gehört auf die Giftliste für alle suchtanfälligen Hörer. Von ihr kommt man nicht richtig los".

BBC music magazine

2006 August



Anthony Burton

2006 August

"Christian Gerhaher is one of the most sxciting German baritones on thieder scene at the moment, with his outstanding natural voice, immaculately groomed to enable a powerful musical sculpting of all he sings. And images of evening show Schubert at his best too".

Fono Forum

2010 März



Christoph Vratz

2010 März

"Vurdering: Empfehlung des Monats" - "Wie befruchtend es sein kann, wenn Musiker, die vornehmlich als Dirigent aktiv sind, sich als Liedpianist betätigen".

BBC music magazine

2010 January



Hilary Finch

2010 January

"As any listener can verify, the partnership between Goerne and Ingo Metzmacher is, in the singer's own words, "flexible, elegant and easeful" - and it's gripping to watch as well as to hear it at work".


2008 octobre



Sylvain Fort

2008 octobre

"Avec ce deuxième volume s'impose toutefois la certitude que Matthias Goerne est en train d'edifier une référence dans le domaine du lied schubertien".

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Natasha Loges

2017 Christmas

"This recording unites a wide selction of orchestral arrangements of some of Schubert's best-loved songs ... the Insula Orchestra sounds warm and colourful in this intriguing, beautifully conceived recording"Vurdering:

Fono Forum

2018 Juni



Michael Kube

2018 Juni

"In den vergangenen Jahren sind gleich mehrere CDs mit Instrumentierungen von Schubert-Liedern erschienen ... Noch spannender wird es, wenn das Insula orchestra für diese Einspielung Wiener Instrumente verwendet - und somit den Versionen eine fast authentische Gestalt geben kann. Berlioz, Liszt, Brahms, Reger, Mottl, Strauss, Britten und (als neuer Stimme in gleicher Tradition) Franck Krawcyk kommen dabei zu Wort. Interpretatorisch hätte ich mir freilich weiter gefasste Bögen gewünscht".

BBC music magazine

2013 April



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2013 April

"This is a wonderful recital, in almost all respects. The first thing to grab my attention was the mesmerisingly lovely playing of Andreas Haefliger, one of the greatest living pianists, I think, and oddly underrated ... [In Erlkönig] Haefliger's accompaniment is so vivid that I'd enjoy it by itself; Goerne doesn't characterise the three persons as much as many singers, but he still packs a stunning punch ... Both these great artists are up for anyhing Schubert offers them, and I would rank this among the finest recital discs I have ever heard ... Powerful and completely without mannerism or exaggeration".

Fono Forum

2013 April



Christoph Zimmermann

2013 April

"In diese neue Folge von Matthias Goernes Schubert-Anthologie (mit wechselnden Pianisten) ... begleitet der vortreffliche Andreas Haefliger das eruptive Geschehen kongenial ... Meist nämlich wallen eher pianistische Nebel, was Goernes Schwerblut-Bariton noch lastender erscheinen lässt".

BBC music magazine

2012 May



Hilary Finch

2012 May

"Both musicians show perfect sympathy with Schubert's own engagement, ideal empathy with each other, and a shrewed sensitivity to musical and expressive scale. Güra's mellifluous, lightly breathed yet meticulously inflected tenor evokes the innocence of songs like Schlummerlied and Wiegenlied".

Fono Forum

2012 Mai



Christoph Zimmermann

2012 Mai

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Bei aller Lebhaftigkeit im Detail bewahrt sich Werner Güra eine ausgesprochen intime Ausdrucksgebung, die beim Pianisten Christoph Berner eine feinsinnige Entsprechung findet. eine CD für die einsame Insel".

Fono Forum

2014 August



Christoph Zimmermann

2014 August

"Sänger und Pianist, seit Jahren miteinander verbunden, entführen in ein Reich angstgeprägter Zwischentöne. Bei diesen Schubert-Interpretationen vermag man sich nicht einfach zurückzulehnen".

BBC music magazine

2014 July



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2014 July

"Bostridge will always be a controversial singer ... Yet there is equally no gainsaying his interpretative skills, finely deployed ... Drake is in every way a superb partner ... The two are at their best in the sad, reflective Der Winterabend, but the disc as a whole is a fine achievement".

BBC music magazine

2016 September



Hilary Finch

2016 September

"Appl's is a noble baritone and, with the purling pianism of Johnson, he creates a love-song of cool ecstacy to both poet and composer".

Fono Forum

2019 Juni



Bernd Feuchtner

2019 Juni

"'Nur wer die Sehsucht kennt' - ... hört man gerne von einer so ätherischen Sopranstimme. Das Stimmungsalbum von Anna Lucia Richter trägt aber den titel 'Heimweh' - und wer kein Heimweh kennt, dem wird das Dauerweh fade ... Beim 'Hirt af dem Felsen' kommt die junge Stimme an ihre Grenzen und verliert die Textverständlichkeit".

BBC music magazine

2019 May



Natasha Loge

2019 May

"Richter is still early in her career, yet demonstrates astonishing versatility, insight and intelligence in this programme of Schubert songs. Gerold Huber's extensive experience as an accompanist is revealed as he draws the tenderest sounds from his piano without ever descending into mawkish exaggeration. Both artists know how to stretch time, bearing us expertly on the ebb and flow of Schubert's music".

Fono Forum

2009 April



Gerhard Persché

2009 April

"Skovhus' Interpretationen bestechen durch Wortdeutlichkeit und idiomatische Stimmigkeit ... Das Nationale Dänische Symphonieorchester unter Stefan Vladar begleitet subtil, die vielfachen Farbschichten differenziert blosslegend".

BBC music magazine

2016 January



Anna Picard

2016 January

"He sings this selection of Schubert's Goethe settings with keen attention to detail, youthful spontaneity, and an ample, attractive sound that is reminiscent of the fine-grained tone of baritone Olaf Bär. The potential in his voice is immediately felt ... Deutsch's playing is crisply voiced and textually alert throughout ... Teacher and pupil achieve performances that combine playfulness and sophistication".

Fono Forum

2015 November



Christoph Zimmermann

2015 November

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Sein gesang macht nicht nur staunen, er überrumpelt förmlich. Eine derart natürliche vokale Eloquenz bei exzellenter Diktion ... erlebt man derzeit nur noch bei Daniel Behle".


2016 janvier



Hélène Cao

2016 janvier

BBC music magazine

2012 September



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2012 September

"Miah Persson is beautiful and so is her voice, so she starts with a big advantage. But that is only the start ... I did find, with eight songs by Schubert, six by Grieg and five by Sibelius, that there was a danger of monotony, undercharacterisation and reliance on sheer undeniable vocal beauty. Roger Vignoles is an ideal accompanist".

BBC music magazine

2010 February



Hilary Finch

2010 February

"Goerne compellingly exploits his bass register for the gravedigger's desperation and fear in "Totengräbers Heimveh", and vividly characterises the dichotomy between pastoral and military life in "Der Schäfer und der Reiter"".

Fono Forum

2011 Februar



Christoph Zimmermann

2011 Februar

"Goernes dunkel-samtiger Bariton lässt ein wirklich befreites Glücksgefühl indes kaum zu, immer wieder zieht sein Gesang hin zu Entsagung, Melancholie. Anderseits fehlt es dem Sänger nicht an belebenden Farben".

BBC music magazine

2008 October



Hilary Finch

2008 October

"The clear, unfettered lyrical mezzo of Bernarda Fink makes this a wining new Schubert recital".

BBC music magazine

2008 May



Hilary Finch

2008 May

"Goerne's renowned breath control ... creates the hushed legato which is his hallmark ... Goerne can tend to rely on this slightly too often: sometimes a keener edge of angst or of wide-eyed wonder would be welcome".

Fono Forum

2023 Februar



Christoph Vratz

2023 Februar

"Mit der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie hat Goerne 19 Lieder in orchestrierter Fassung aufgenommen ... Ohnehin gestaltet Goerne einige der ausgwählten Lieder fast rezitativisch ... Subtil auch die Rollen-Verteilung im "Erlkönig", wo jede der beteiligten Stimmen eine eigen Farbe erhält ... Die Allianz mit der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie glückt ebenfalls, sodass sich ein Geben und Nehmen von Impulsen ergibt, was jedem Lied zu einer eigenen Geschlossenheit verhilft".

BBC music magazine

2023 April



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2023 April

"The virtue of the pianist Alexander Schmalcz's orchestrations for baritone Matthias Goerne, his regular recital partner, is that he strives to hold faith with what he reads as Schubert 's intentions, even if there are beguiling hints of Mahler and Wagner to be heard ... It's the painterly colours that Goerne finds in the voice which makes him such an expressive artist in a song like 'Abendstern'. And who can resist the final orchestral sigh at the end of Alexander Schmalcz's version of that song?".


2023, nr. 69



Steen Chr. Steensen

2023, nr. 69

"Matthias Goerne er den perfekte lied-sanger med sin bløde barytonklang, en ekstrem sans for fraseringer og understregning af syntesen mellem melodi og tekst ... Nu genbesøger han Schubert - en blandet samling lieder - men omstændighederne er anderledes end de plejer ... Orkesterarrangementer af klaverakkompagnementer til Schubert-lieder ... Det er pianisten Alexander Schmalcz, der står for arrangementerne, og ... i hans arrangementer åbner orkestret sig klangligt op og inviterer Matthias Goerne indenfor ... En suveræn Matthias Goerne med en stemme, der byder på så mange nuancer og så megen inderlighed, at det næsten er som en drøm".


2023 mars



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2023 mars

Fono Forum

2018 August



Christoph Zimmermann

2018 August

"Die Stimme von Carolyn Sampson bezaubert vom allerersten bis zum allerletzten Ton ... Das Programm beinhaltet Texte über Mädchengefühle, für die der Komponist ungemein subtile Töne findet. Die Goethe-Figuren Mignon und Gretchen dominieren. Trotz seines eminent zarten Charakters vermag sich der sanft flutende Sopran Carolyn Sampsons bei Bedarf emotional zu steigern; die Seelenqualen von Gretchen (am Spinnrad) sind drängender kaum zu vermitteln ... Joseph Middleton am Klavier trägt die Sängerin auf Händen".

Fono Forum

2018 November



Christoph Zimmermann

2018 November

"Die Stimme von Carolyn Sampson bezaubert vom allerersten bis zum allerletzten Ton ... Das Programm beinhaltet Texte über Mädchengefühle ... Die Goethe-Figuren Mignon und Gretchen dominieren. Trotz seines eminent zarten Charakters vermag sich der sanft flutende Sopran Carolyn Sampson bei Bedarf emotional zu steigern; die Seelenqualen von Gretchen (am Spinnrad) sind drängender kaum zu vermitteln ... Joseph Middleton am Klavier trägt die Sängerin auf Händen".

BBC music magazine

2016 August



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2016 August

"The light, textured baritone of Florian Boesch finds excellent employment in this Schubert collection, flawlessly accompanied by Malcom Martineau ... The intimacy of the overall approach suits Boesch's predominantly gentle instrument ... His narrative skills prove outstanding".


2016 octobre



Hélène Cao

2016 octobre

BBC music magazine

2023 June



Natasha Loges

2023 June

"The balance of sound towards the treble celebrates the fresh beauty of Sampson's voice. The counterbalancing gravitas of topics and tempos allows Middleton to trace long structural lines ... This album has a dignified tranquillity, enhanced by crystal-clear sound quality".

Fono Forum

2023 August



Marcus Stäbler

2023 August

"Hier sitzt ein erstklassiger Schubert-Pianist und Kammermusiker am Flügel. Er formt Nuancen und geschmackvolle Rubati, immer im gemeinsamen Atem mit Caroly Sampson ... Wie Sampson die Töne einfach kommen lässt, wie zart sie Linien verziert oder im Zusammenspiel mit Middleton Farben ausleuchtet, das ist allerfeinste Liedkunst".


2014 mai



Hélène Cao

2014 mai

The gramophone

2015 September



David Patrick Stearns

2015 September

"Performances have the right nexus of intelligence, deep study and ion-performance inspiration ... [Bostridge] supplies textual articulation and emotional heat but leaves more specific characterisation up to Drake at the piano".

The gramophone

2014 Awards



Richard Wigmore

2014 Awards

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Superlative recital by a singer who for vocal beauty, poetic insight and expressive immediacy is surely unsurpassed in lieder today".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 5. Mar. 2001


d. 5. Mar. 2001


d. 18. Jan. 2000


d. 18. Jan. 2000

The gramophone

2024 August



Hugo Shirley

2024 August

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: An enchanting, engrossing and impeccably recorded album. With it, Krimmel takes another big step towards quietly establishing himself as one of the most compelling lieder interpreters performing today. A gem".

International record review

2012 May



Lucy Beckett

2012 May

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "Camilla Tilling is a Swedish singer whose enchanting soprano voice and acute musical intelligence are both admirably deployed in this wellchosen selection of Schubert songs, some very familiar and some much less often performed ... This is a lovely disc, a treat for all lovers of Schubert's songs".

The gramophone

2012 July



Richard Wigmore

2012 July

"Camilla Tilling's vernal tone is fresh and smiling, her phrasing both shapely and feurig, as Schubert demands, her respons to mood and harmony vivid ... A Schubert recital of rare pedigree".


2014 mars



Hélène Cao

2014 mars

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or" - "On a le coeur serré de voir se terminer bientôt une si belle aventure".

International record review

2014 May



Lucy Beckett

2014 May

"This is a constantly interesting collection of songs, wonderfully performed".

Berlingske tidende

d. 6. Feb. 2002


d. 6. Feb. 2002

The gramophone

2006 July



Alan Blyth

2006 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "An exhilarating recital from this superb Lieder singer".

International record review

2010 January



Lucy Beckett

2010 January

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "Two things make this a most desirable disc for lovers of Lieder. The first is the singer. Matthias Goerne's warm baritone and inward, meditative approach, particularly to Schubert, give an enganging freshness, almost an impression of tentativeness to each interpretation. The second is the choice of songs. This recital of 19 mostly unfamiliar songs from all periods of Schubert's short career illustrates musically in many different ways the longing for something lost".


d. 12. Jan. 1999


d. 12. Jan. 1999

International record review

2008 November



Lucy Beckett

2008 November

"Matthias Goerne is fast becoming the Fischer-Dieskau of his generation, the stadnard-setting singer of the central Lieder repertoire. This recording of 43 miscellaneous Schubert songs on two discs with a different accompanist on each is a treasure of interpretative fidelity to the greatest of all Lieder composers".

The gramophone

2008 December



Richard Wigmore

2008 December

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Goerne gives us performances of profound grandeur, mystery and compassion".


d. 4. May 1999


d. 4. May 1999

Berlingske tidende

d. 15. Sep. 1999


d. 15. Sep. 1999


2009 01



Jens Cornelius

2009 01

High fidelity

2003 6


2003 6

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 14. Apr. 2003


d. 14. Apr. 2003

Berlingske tidende

d. 12. Apr. 2003


d. 12. Apr. 2003

The gramophone

2024 January



Hugo Shirley

2024 January

"The baritone's voice, not a large, juicy or powerful instrument, is helped by the engineers (in performance, balance can be a major issue with these arrangements), allowing us to hear plenty of detail; he has a fine way with the words and is an intelligent, sensitive communicator ... Plenty to like here".

The gramophone

2017 December



Hugo Shirley

2017 December

"Editor's choice: A lot of thought has gone into this lovely album ... Immediately one is struck by the high quality of Stanislas de Barbeyrac's singing. His interpretations are sensitive and intelligent and his tenor is beautifully controlled - flexible but steely ... Wiebke Lehmkuhl is hardly less fine, her mezzo wonderfully limpid and rich ... Very warmly recommended".

The gramophone

2013 March



Richard Wigmore

2013 March

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "His darkly mellow baritone, soft-grained yet with reserves of power, is a perfect instrument for the pantheistic reveries and barcarolles on this new disc ... Even doubters might have to concede that no singer cares more than Goerne for the beauty and eloquence of Schubert's melodies".

International record review

2013 February



Lucy Beckett

2013 February

"This is a most interesting and instructive Schubert recital, performed throughout with tact and great musical intelligence".


2011 mars



Hélène Cao

2011 mars

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or" - "Sa sensibilité, l'élégance de ses phrasés servent idéalement l'Andantino quasi allegretto du dernier (1880) - le plus célèbre des trois".

The gramophone

2012 May



Richard Wigmore

2012 May

"Singer and pianist show an acute sensitivity to harmonic colour that characterises the whole rewarding recital".

Berlingske tidende

d. 2. Dec. 2003


d. 2. Dec. 2003

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. Sep. 2000


d. 4. Sep. 2000

Operabladet Ascolta

(2000) 19. årgang nr. 4


(2000) 19. årgang nr. 4

Berlingske tidende

d. 13. Sep. 2000


d. 13. Sep. 2000

The gramophone

2014 August



David Patrick Stearns

2014 August

"Of course, one must be willing to enter Bostridge's world, which is now a highly familiar network of interpretative techniques ... He's in excellent voice here and never so heedless as to be mannered ... And then there's Julius Drake, who so clearly charts the progression of Schubert's musical thoughts".


d. 29. Feb. 2000


d. 29. Feb. 2000

The gramophone

2009 February



Richard Wigmore

2009 February

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Watts under-exploits the expressive potential of German consonants. That said, I can't recall lovelier performances of "Nachtviolen" ... or the Mozartian barcarolle "Liane: just two songs among many where the vernal purity of Watt's tone and the grace of her phrasing are priceless assets".

The gramophone

2016 July



Hugo Shirley

2016 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "What distinguishes this recital, however, is the interpretations themselves, bringing freshness to familiar numbers and making a persuasive case for those that are heard less often ... outstanding recital, and a beautifully recorded one too".

The gramophone

2016 Awards



James Jolly

2016 Awards

"Vurdering: Young artist of the year" - "His instinctive feel for these songs is immediately striking ... You will hear the current front-runner in the next generation of Lieder singers".

The gramophone

2019 May



Richard Wigmore

2019 May

"Editor's choice: Richter's pure, vernal soprano, care for words and supple, expressive phrasing are well-nigh ideal ... Der Zwerg and Totengräbers Heimweh are anything but natural territory for a light lyric soprano. Yet in both songs her musical intelligence and dramatic use of the text go far to compensating for a lack of tonal depth. A delectable recital from a young soprano whose combination of vocal freshness and unforced expressiveness make her a natural in Schubert".

The gramophone

2015 October



Hugo Shirley

2015 October

"It is the apparent straightforwardness of approach that Mauro Peter and Helmut Deutsch bring to these wonderful songs that help make this collection so enjoyable. The young Swiss tenor's voice, a bright lyrical instrument perhaps more steely than honeyed in its core, is as clean and unaffected as his manner ... For fresh, intelligent and natural Schubert this disc can be heartily recommended".


d. 29. June 1999


d. 29. June 1999

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 31. May 1999


d. 31. May 1999





"As well as featuring specially selected lieder and piano fragments from their critically acclaimed Bostridge / Andsnes Schubert Sonata and Lieder series, the album also includes five newly recorded lieder never previously released by Bostridge".

The gramophone

2012 August



David Patrick Stearns

2012 August

"For all of her vocal cultivation, personal magnetism and musical intelligence, Miah Persson seems not to he a born recitalist ... That doesn't mean - on the evidence presented on this disc ... that she can't create some compelling performances on her own terms (especially with such a sympathetic collaboration with pianist Roger Vignoles), even if the more intense moments in her chosen repertoire make her force her voice well beyond its comfort zone".

International record review

2012 September



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2012 September

"Here is a trio of fine artists ... Persson is an intelligent performer who well understands the art of Lieder singing ... Persson clearly relishes the possibility of characterizing particular songs ... However - and this is possibly a subjective caveat - what Persson lacks is the kind of rounded warm tone and inner conviction that makes the best Schubert recitals so warmly satisfying".

Berlingske tidende

d. 6. Feb. 2002


d. 6. Feb. 2002

The gramophone

2008 May



Richard Wigmore

2008 May

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Matthias Goerne in his element - and the rewards are uncommonly rich".

The gramophone

2023 March



Richard Wigmore

2023 March

"Editor's choice: Given Goerne's vocal timbre, it's no surprise that slow, sombre songs, usually in the minor key, predominate. But his trademark concentration of feeling, allied to Schmalcz's subtly changing colourings, ensures that the attention is held throughout. Unscathed by his Wagnerian forays, Goerne's voice remains mellow and rounded, his sense of style impeccable. Instrumentalists could ... learn from his perfectly bound legato and natural feeling for the shape of a Schubertian phrase".

The gramophone

2016 August



Richard Wigmore

2016 August

"Boesch confirms himself as the baritone's answer to pianist Mitsuko Uchida, daring a range of hushed dynamics in Schubert ... In tandem with the ever-perceptive Malcolm Martineau (a model of clarity, and especially good at animating and colouring Schubert's bass-lines), Boesch's concentrated Innigkeit can be haunting, above all in the many songs of loneliness, alienation and sorrowful regret ... This new disc contains many compelling performances".

The gramophone

2023 June



David Patrick Stearns

2023 June

"Editor's choice: Caroly Sampson and Joseph Middleton are recording so much these days ... Elysium: A Schubert Recital showcases them in core repertoire in a programme themed around songs concerning the afterlife. Authority and intelligence are evident in song choices, sequencing and performance in this somewhat soft-spoken disc that's surely among their best ... Sampson is at her best in the nocturnal 'Nacht und Träume', with a masterly balance of word articulation and legato line ... It seems that the more she records, the better she gets".

The gramophone

2014 March



Lindsay Kemp

2014 March

"For all the conceptual orientation of the disc, Boesch isn't the sort of singer who tells you what to think or feel in the music ... the repertoire shows the roads that led to the well-known Schubert cycles. Maybe all of that means that this disc's main appeal is to the most serious students of Schubert".

International record review

2014 March



Lucy Beckett

2014 March

"This fine disc, pervaded with sadness though it is, has a great deal to offer those who love Schubert's songs".

Information and editions