Music / rock

I slept on the floor

Reviews (3)

Loud and Quiet

d. 3. Aug. 2020



Tyler Damara Kelly

d. 3. Aug. 2020

"On their debut album, I Slept On The Floor, London indie-via-post-rock band Another Sky seek to encapsulate their experiences in a world that is steeped in hardships. Amplifying their ominous and atmospheric soundscapes with impassioned melodies that emanate a pendulum-like quality, vocalist Catrin Vincent's vocals fleet between hypnotising falsetto and snarling expulsions of pent-up energy".


d. 5. Aug. 2020



Will Richards

d. 5. Aug. 2020

"The music of Another Sky has the loftiest of ambitions. Across their debut album `I Slept On The Floor', their shimmering soundscapes feel like they have the power to fell buildings and change lives and opinions; the music hits like a hurricane, mixing the gargantuan post-rock power of Mogwai with the soaring communal spirit and guts of Arcade Fire".


2020 September



Martin Aston

2020 September

"Unusually-tooled London based quartet's fine debut".