Music / klassisk musik 1950 ->

In Damascus

Reviews (5)

The guardian

d. 8. June 2017



Kate Molleson

d. 8. June 2017

"The beauty of the piece, for tenor and string quartet, is its restraint. It doesn't sensationalise, get maudlin, moralise or politicise. The words are direct and the music respects that. The performance does, too: clear, focused playing from the Sacconi Quartet and lucid, unswerving narrative from tenor Mark Padmore ... Pianist Charles Owen joins for the Piano Quintet, intense and light-filled".

MusicWeb international

2017 August



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2017 August

"I like Jonathan Dove's music a lot and recently I've had some welcome exposure to it ... I was glad therefore to get the chance to have a serious listen to some of his chamber music ... What is so moving about In Damascus is that it focuses on the sufferings of ordinary people ... The present performance is magnificent. Mark Padmore's singing is eloquent in the extreme and he sings with great technical and emotional control. The Sacconi Quartet are no less admirable, no less eloquent".

Presto classical

d. 13. June 2017



Katherine Cooper

d. 13. June 2017

"Presto editor's choices - June 2017: Given the subject-matter, Dove's new song-cycle In Damascus was never going to be an easy listen as such - but Dove's writing is so accessible and lucid (aided by Mark Padmore's eloquent, unhistrionic delivery) that its appeal is immediate and its impact impossible to forget".

BBC music magazine

2017 October



Terry Blain

2017 October

"Both Padmore and the Sacconi Quartet, who have a major expressive role as accompanists, are at their finest in "Soon, we will be free", the serene, lyrical heart of ... Jonathan Dove's song-cycle In Damascus ... Pianist Charles Owen joins the Sacconis for the Piano Quintet, his crisp, incisive playing making a particular impression in the rhythmically buoyant outer movements. All three pieces on this excellently performed disc are first recordings".

The gramophone

2017 August



Malcolm Riley

2017 August

"Recording of the month, Editor's choice: Seldom does a mixed vocal and chamber programme such as this hang together so perfectly ... It helps that all of the performers are at the top of their communicative powers ... This work [In Damascus] was tailor-made for Mark Padmore, who summons up every iota of his immense interpretative powers to steer us through this reflective testament. This important release cannot be recommended too highly".