Music / rock

Indian Ocean

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 25. Feb. 2015



Espen Strunk

d. 25. Feb. 2015

"Der spilles afdæmpet og absolut stilsikkert hele vejen igennem, og det er en fornøjelse at lade sig suge ind i de smertefulde sange af Fords indladende vokal og musikalske modus et sted mellem Buffy Sainte-Marie, Cat Power og Aretha Franklin. Stærkt album fra en kunstner, som fortjener opmærksomhed - også herhjemme".





James Christopher Monger


"Falling somewhere between Cat Power, Carole King, and Linda Ronstadt, Ford's sophomore outing dials back on some of the on the nose, soul-pop contrivances of 2010's Obadiah, which while solid and surprising enough at the time, at this point sounds more like an abandoned set of blueprints for what would eventually become Indian Ocean. The songs and performances are altogether more confident, due in large part to the near constant presence of some talented guests".