Music / klassiske symfonier

Kammersymphonie Op. 9

Reviews (6)

Klassik heute

d. 8. Nov. 2017



Christof Jetzschke

d. 8. Nov. 2017

"Geheimnisvollen und verführerischen Maeterlinck-Gesängen ... dieser insgesamt einfach grossartigen, im besten Wortsinne atemberaubenden Veröffentlichung, auf der das Linos Ensemble durchweg mit Präzision, rhythmischer Energie, gestenreicher Rhetorik und mit einer überragenden Klanglichkeit brilliert".

MusicWeb international

2022 August



Gregor Tassie

2022 August

"This recording follows upon an earlier release by this fine ensemble from Lausanne in 2013 in which Heinz Holliger directed works by Schönberg and Webern including Verklärte Nacht, Chamber Symphony No 2 and Webern's early Langsamer Sätz ... The recording and engineering by Fuga Libera give one the impression of sitting in the front row - and throughout the clarity and ambience are exceptional ...This is a very fine addition to the discography of these two composers; the recording is blessed with world-class performances and a recording to match. One hopes that this outstanding ensemble and conductor will continue their exploration of this repertoire".

Fono Forum

2022 Oktober



Bernd Feuchtner

2022 Oktober

"So herrlich sinnlich und wienerisch-dekadent hört man Arnold Schönbergs erste Kammersinfonie von 1906 nicht alle Tage ... Staunend beobachten wir das raffinierte Triebleben der Klänge auf den Blumenwiesen des langsamen Abschnitts. Hier ist der Inhalt alles, die Form nur die Form ... Hinzu kommen zwei orchestrierte Klavierzyklen [Webern] ... Holliger lässt sie mit den Lausanner Streichern mit grosser Wärme erklingen ... Eine sinnliche Poesie von grosser Schönheit".

BBC music magazine

2022 September



Misha Donat

2022 September

"Schoenberg's Chamber Symphony Op. 9 ... calls for considerable virtuosity from each of its 15 solo players, and the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra under Heinz Holliger acquits itself very well ... Holliger gives a meticulous account of Webern's enigmatic Symphony, Op. 21, with its intimate series of canons ... But perhaps the most fascinating item here is Holliger's own arrangment for chamber orchestra of Schoenberg's 'Six little piano pieces', Op. 11, so imaginatively and inventively done that they almost amount to entirely new pieces".


2022 été



Patrick Szersnovicz

2022 été

The gramophone

2022 September



Arnold Whittall

2022 September

"It is typical of Heinz Holliger's thoughtful approach to post-tonal music (as palpable in his conducting as in his composing) that the pairing of two such different symphonies should reinforce the complementary strengths of both ... The sustained precision and textural clarity of this new version ... brilliantly convey the seriousness of Schoenberg's deeply conflicted rethinking of the epic symphonic style favoured by his more traditional contemporaries. Heard alongside it, the elusive fragments of Webern's Symphony, op 21 - more ethereal than epic ... Holliger and his players preserve the rhythmic spine of the music's delicate polyphony as expertly as Pierre Boulez and a few others have managed before them".