Music / opera

L'oracolo in Messenia

Reviews (6)

The guardian

d. 10. Oct. 2012



Tim Ashley

d. 10. Oct. 2012

"The performance ... is an object lesson in how to do this type of work. Biondi's conducting is by turns witty, sexy and full of pathos ... Fabulous, every second of it".


2013, nr. 29



Steen Chr. Steensen

2013, nr. 29

"Forbilledlig indspilning. Biondi er i den grad på hjemmebane, når det gælder Vivaldi ... Så meget mere blomstrer arierne undervejs med et hold fine sangere ... Indspilningens store scoop er den italienske kontraalt Romina Basso ... En sammenkogt ret af en opera kan løftes op til et samlet dramatisk udsagn. Det er i alle henseender imponerende".

BBC music magazine

2012 Christmas



Nicholas Anderson

2012 Christmas

"Biondi has assembled an impressive cast, with outstandingly fine contributions from [Hallenberg and Genaux]. It is Julia Lezhneva (Trasimede), though, who steals the show with dazzling coloratura and immense tonal precision ... There is much to enjoy in the singing and playing alike".


2012 octobre



Roger-Claude Travers

2012 octobre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

International record review

2013 January



Simon Heighes

2013 January

"The recording itself is excellent ... The result is impressive dramatic immediacy, considerable technical exactitude and a delicious sense of the singers engaging with the audience and sometimes really playing to it. A warm welcome - though not to the wicked Polifonte. There's plenty of really first-rate music here and more of Giacomelli's Merope than anything distinctively Vivaldian - but that's no criticism at all".

The gramophone

2012 December



David Vickers

2012 December

"The Sinfonia (from Griselda) typifies the vibrant elan which we have come to expect from Europa Galante: crackling fast music that packs a horn-fuelled punch ... The opera's explosive dramatic climax is Ann Hallenberg's performance of Giacommelli's intense scene for Merope".