Music / solosang

La bella più bella : songs from early baroque Italy

Reviews (2)

BBC music magazine

2014 May



Anna Picard

2014 May

"This is vocal writing that thrives on extremes: complex, emphatic, dissonant and brilliantly embellished...Invernizzi is a fearless singer. Some notes are stripped violently dry and thin, others made hot and heavy with vibrato, and her fioritura in Monteverdi's Voglio di vita uscir is coruscating".

The gramophone

2014 June



Alexandra Coghlan

2014 June

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Invernizzi's delivery is forthright, refusing to relax and bloom into vibrato until the very last, digging deep into the suspensions that give this music its emotional friction. She delivers operatic scope within the intimate framework of a vocal recital ... Recorded close, this disc has all the brightness and directness of a live performance".