Music / opera

Orlando 1714

Reviews (3)

Fono Forum

2013 März



Matthias Hengelbrock

2013 März

"Emotionale Tiefe ist hier weniger gefragt als dramatische Pointen, und dementsprechend agieren Sardelli und seine Musiker mit sehr flüssigem Parlando und virtuosem Passagenwerk. Stimmlich und technisch ist alles in bester Ordnung".

The gramophone

2013 March



David Vickers

2013 March

"This recording presents Sardelli's editorial completion ... of the existing material for only Acts 1 and 2. Consequently, Modo Antiquo's spirited performance cannot be experienced as a coherent dramatic whole, but it is to the credit of the performers that they strive for dramatic convention ... Sardelli's conscientious experiment opens up an intriguing new perspective into Vivaldi's encounter with a story to which he would return in 1727 for his famous masterpiece".

International record review

2013 February



Simon Heighes

2013 February

"All in all, a triumphant musical resurrection".

Information and editions