Music / operafilm

La rondine

Reviews (11)

Classics today




Robert Levine (musikanmelder)


"Our heroine, Magda, Azerbaijani soprano Dinara Alieva ... owns a voice that is luscious in ways that we don't hear lately. With a warm, throbbing vibrato, she sounds to be an ideal Verdi and Puccini soprano ... At her side, as Ruggero, is the fine American tenor Charles Castronovo. He's a singer who does everything right: the voice is handsome and well-produced ... Roberto Rizzi Brignoli leads the Berlin forces with such enthusiasm that the performance is absolutely worth watching and the opera practically seems chic. Bravi to all".

MusicWeb international

2016 August



Ian Lace

2016 August

"Dinara Alieva makes a persuasive Magda. Her timbre is sweetly dusky with strong unwavering projection and she is ably matched by the ardent innocence of Castronovo's Ruggero. La Rondine productions are more often than not blessed with outstanding castings of Lisette. Here Alexandra Hutton is splendidly worldly-wise and coquettish. Zambrano also makes a reasonable fist of Prunier despite the absurdity of his character depiction. The chorus and orchestra are pleasant and are captured in warm clear sound".


d. 20. Oct. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 20. Oct. 2009

"Ainhoa Arteta i titelpartiet ... ser på coverbiledet ud som en glamouragtig overklasse-amerikaner, men hun både spiller og synger helt anderledes nuanceret. Man tror på hende, føler med hende ... "Svalen" har ikke haft det let, men denne opførelse er en sejr for værket ... "La rondine" er langt bedre end sit rygte".

BBC music magazine

2009 December



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2009 December

"In her operetta-like staging, director Marta Domingo makes a feature of one of Puccini' revised endings. A high-quality cast brings persuasive qualities".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2010) 28. årgang nr. 6



Henrik Marcussen

(2010) 28. årgang nr. 6

"Opførelsen her råder bod på La Rondines hidtidige problematiske og ydmyge position og gør det med succes ... Rollelisten er ganske udsøgt med fine vokale præstationer ... Det er en så afgjort nydelig sag. Fine billeder og smukke mennesker man har det godt med at se på, mens man fortrylles af mere uvante Puccini-toner".


2010, nr. 16



Bo Holten

2010, nr. 16

"Opsætningen her ... har mange kvaliteter. Sangligt er der ingen svage sider, særligt imponerer den spanske sopran Ainhoa Arteta i titelrollen, og der spilles frisk til i orkestret under Emmanuel Villaumes ledelse ... De fleste vil opleve iscenesættelsen som meget traditionel. Den spille i la belle epoque, og kostumer og dekorationer er ligeledes elegant gjort i tidens flamboyante stil, men historien fortælles ligefremt, tydeligt og uden påklistrede instruktør-griller ... Denne dvd kan varmt anbefales".

BBC music magazine

2016 August



Anna Picard

2016 August

"As it is, we have an opera in which a milieu of decadence and luxury is lightly sketched, as though La traviata had been rewritten for a more cynical age ... The movement direction is abysmally unfocused ... Roberto Rizzi Brignoli conducts with joyless vigour".


2017 fevrier



Didier van Moere

2017 fevrier

International record review

2009 November



Robert Levine (musikanmelder)

2009 November

"Fine performance despite a directorial error at the end that almost ruins the evening ... The lavish sets and costumes by Michael Scott are stunningly belle époque ... Emmanuele Villaume leads the Washington National Opera Chorus and Orchestea with alternately, verismo punch, sweetness and warmth, making the best case I've heard for the opera. The picture is crystal-clear but the sound can be a bit blowzy at full throttle ... this is a terrific Rondine".

Fono Forum

2016 August



Manuel Brug

2016 August

"Als Regisseur macht Startenor Rolando Villazón seine kulinarische, entschieden surreale Inszenierungssache theaterpraktisch im besten Sinne, galant anzusehen und mit einem effizienten Konzept ... Roberto Rizzi Brignoli lässt das charmante Soufflé glamourös moussieren ... Charles Castronovo ist ein zart flötender Tenor-Latin-Lover aus dem Puccini-Bilderbuch ... So fliegt und strahlt die 'Rondine'".

The gramophone

2016 July



Mark Pullinger

2016 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Villázon shows admirable restraint in a straightforward, stylish production that contains a good deal of charm ... There's a rich darkness to [Alieva's] voice, especially in Doretta's Dream ... Castronovo's Ruggero moons around with puppy-dog eyes ... a perfect role for his lyric tenor. Alvaro Zambrano provides a good contrast, a vibrant Prunier ... An understated, stylish production which could win some of Rondine's critics".