Politikend. 16. Mar. 2017ByByHenrik Friis (f. 1978)d. 16. Mar. 2017"Jarousskys timelange opera om helten Orfeus er sat sammen af tre værker ... Orfeus af Monteverdi fra 1607, og af to temmelig ukendte operaudgaver af samme græske myte komponeret senere i 1600-tallet af Monteverdis landsmænd Luigi Rossi og Antonio Sartorio ... Jarrousky har reduceret de tre operaer til 25 temmelig abstrakte besyngelser. Men når det lyder så medrivende, som tilfældet er, kan det vel være ligegyldigt, at handlingen er meningsløs?".Read review
Fono Forum2017 MaiByByJohannes Schnmitz2017 Mai"Für die Fans wird vor allem Jaroussky selbst natürlich im Mittelpunkt der Aufnahme stehen. Sein unkünstelter Gesang und die Direktheit seines Stimmklangs faszinieren. Grosse Lob gilt auch dem Choir und dem wunderbar differenziert und pulsierend spielenden Ensemble I Barocchisti".
BBC music magazine2017 JuneByByBerta Joncus2017 June"Philippe Jaroussky has put together a brilliant programme to flaunt his Orphic powers ... Jaroussky's expressiveness is irresistible. He squeezes maximum nuance from each word, sighing, languishing, and lamenting with utter conviction. As he does so, he also generously shares the spotlight, melting away to let his fellow musicians undergird his persuasiveness with their own".
The gramophone2017 AprilByByAlexandra Coghlan2017 April"What a brilliant idea. Taking the best of three different Orpheus operas and weaving them together into a single composite, Philippe Jaroussky and Diego Fasolis create a new musical account of the familiar myth ... Each work has its own strengths, and this pick-and-mix approach embraces all of them ... Any fears that Jaroussky's feathery tone might prove insufficiently flexible and varied for this extended episode are quickly dispelled ... Fasolis directs a highly textured performance ... What could look like a musical gimmick is acutally an effective way of reclaiming and repackaging repertoire".