Music / jazz

Laid black

Reviews (3)

Jazz Weekly

d. 18. June 2018



George W. Harris

d. 18. June 2018

"Marcus Miller is one of the few artists that can cross the worlds of funk, hip hop and jazz and satisfy all audiences. His latest album is a rubber necking affair that will get your head bobbing to the grooves, making it easy to overlook that this guy essentially invented the bass licks which dominate this soulful release".




Howard Dukes


"As is always the case with a Marcus Miller project, Laid Black reveals him as an artist as comfortable with a finger on the pulse of what is going on now as he is serving as caretaker of tradition. It's another highlight in a career filled with highlights. Strongly Recommended".


2018 September



Michelle Mercer

2018 September

"Unlike 2015's Afrodeezia (Blue Note), where Miller's glibness was balanced by the gravity of a slave-history theme, Laid Black is more blatantly commercial, a smooth, all-inclusive cruise of an album. That these tracks are finely produced and superbly performed has little relevance to whether you'll like them. To misquote Tom Wolfe, you're either on the boat or off the boat- your personal taste long ago decided your eagerness to make this trip".