Music / pop


Reviews (3)





Neil Z. Yeung


"The self-titled debut from bicoastal American trio LANY is a fairly enjoyable collection of indie electronic that focuses on shimmering mood and atmosphere ... At 16 tracks, however, LANY often bleeds together at points, lost in the wide-eyed melancholy that defines much of its middle stretch. Overall, the album is still an agreeable first effort, although it doesn't really produce anything demanding immediate attention".

The 405

d. 30. June 2017



Brody Kenny

d. 30. June 2017

"Listening to LANY is like listening to the woes of someone in the most boring on-again off-again relationship of all-time. It's not readily apparent just how many relationships Klein is referencing here, but when the depth of the affection in a romantic relationship is staying up late and talking about "dumb stuff," it's difficult to conjure any semblance of involvement".

Gaffa [online]

d. 30. June 2017



Jens Dræby

d. 30. June 2017

"Oversøde sange om break-ups, ungdom og pandekager gør LANYs debut til en helt igennem uimodståelig popplade ... Mellem den synthboblende nedtonede sang Overtime og det åbenlyse megahit 13 med de sukkersøde guitarstrenge og det ekstremt fængende omkvæd er der overraskende meget at komme efter i et gennemført værk af et album med catchy musik og ungdommelige følelser".