Music / hip hop

Las ruinas

Reviews (8)


d. 27. July 2022



Dylan Green

d. 27. July 2022

"Rico Nasty's latest project skews wider and weirder, even for her. Combining patented rage raps and tender singing, its variety is overwhelming in every sense of the word".

Gaffa [online]

d. 18. Aug. 2022



Elias Kvist

d. 18. Aug. 2022

"Alt i alt præsenterer Rico Nasty mange nye retninger i sin musik. Men i takt med albummets fremadskriden føles det som om hun aldrig rigtig beslutter sig selv for hvad der egentlig skal være stormasten i projektet. Hun har så travlt med ikke at passe ind i nogle kasser, så at de enkeltstående numre i sig selv bliver små showcases for hver enkelt stilart men uden overraskelser. Derfor opleves hele albummet en smule undervældende".


d. 25. July 2022



Dhruva Balram

d. 25. July 2022

"Rico Nasty's latest mixtape, `Las Ruinas', sparkles at times across its 17 tracks. In her usual fashion, the Maryland rapper and singer borrows varying elements from post-punk, indie rock, guitar-driven music, hip-hop and jazz, and successfully mashes them together in her singular way. But the second half of the project relies on a club-heavy sound which ultimately falls flat, as she strays away from the formulas that have developed her signature sound and into territory which she sounds uncomfortable within".


d. 24. July 2022



Jake Richardson

d. 24. July 2022

"It all makes for a record which never really sags - an impressive feat for a mixtape of 17 songs, none of which are interludes - and instead engages the listener throughout, with a constant stream of fresh ideas thrown into the pot. When it comes to rock and hip-hop colliding, this is the sound of the future".

Gaffa [online]

d. 18. Aug. 2022



Elias Kvist

d. 18. Aug. 2022

"Alt i alt præsenterer Rico Nasty mange nye retninger i sin musik. Men i takt med albummets fremadskriden føles det som om hun aldrig rigtig beslutter sig selv for hvad der egentlig skal være stormasten i projektet. Hun har så travlt med ikke at passe ind i nogle kasser, så at de enkeltstående numre i sig selv bliver små showcases for hver enkelt stilart men uden overraskelser. Derfor opleves hele albummet en smule undervældende".


d. 27. July 2022



Dylan Green

d. 27. July 2022

"Rico Nasty's latest project skews wider and weirder, even for her. Combining patented rage raps and tender singing, its variety is overwhelming in every sense of the word".


d. 25. July 2022



Dhruva Balram

d. 25. July 2022

"Rico Nasty's latest mixtape, `Las Ruinas', sparkles at times across its 17 tracks. In her usual fashion, the Maryland rapper and singer borrows varying elements from post-punk, indie rock, guitar-driven music, hip-hop and jazz, and successfully mashes them together in her singular way. But the second half of the project relies on a club-heavy sound which ultimately falls flat, as she strays away from the formulas that have developed her signature sound and into territory which she sounds uncomfortable within".


d. 24. July 2022



Jake Richardson

d. 24. July 2022

"It all makes for a record which never really sags - an impressive feat for a mixtape of 17 songs, none of which are interludes - and instead engages the listener throughout, with a constant stream of fresh ideas thrown into the pot. When it comes to rock and hip-hop colliding, this is the sound of the future".