Music / rock

Life journey

Reviews (2)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Russell is a stylist, bending songs to fit his swinging piano and slow drawl. He may occasionally follow a straight line with a ballad but he knows how to draw out the phrases on "That Lucky Old Sun," finding an unexpected contour in familiar melody, and he finds funk in "Come On in My Kitchen" while tearing up "Fever" and leaving "New York State of Mind" as a splashy big-band celebration of the Big Apple. This small list suggests how Life Journey touches upon much of the music Russell has sung over the years -- it's heavy on R&B, blues, jazz, and swing, but strangely lacking in much country".

Gaffa [online]

d. 14. Apr. 2014



Espen Strunk

d. 14. Apr. 2014

"Ti coversange og to originaler - i mange tilfælde med med bigband-backing, idet Russell folder sig ud som en fin fortolker og patineret vokalist. Der swinges igennem på en række numre - lige fra Robert Johnsons åbner Come on in My Kitchen - men det er i balladerne Think of Me og I Really Miss You, at den gamle mestermusiker tindrer klarest".